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Primary schools - enrollign


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can someone tell me when the school term starts in Feb and when it will be possible to enroll our son? Is it possible to enroll him before term starts so he is there from the beginning? We've been here since December but a change in circumstances mean we are not in the area we had planned to be (in Dubbo rather than Central Coast) so we have been caught on the back foot.



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Your local school is obliged to find him a place so don't panic! I think the first day for teachers is the day after the Australia Day holiday (29 Jan). But having said that you might find the admin staff and maybe the Principal will be back on site a few days before that, getting things sorted - give the local school a call mid morning and see if anyone answers. Most schools have teacher development for the first day or two so he should be able to start when all the kids start

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Yep I can tell you. In fact I’m a bit of an expert J I'm an Aussie lady that's been through the entire Australian school system in NSW country areas.


Most schools will not be present to take calls until around the day before school starts, but as that day is a Public Holiday I doubt anyone will be in the office.


I’m living in a country community (my partner is OS still) and many relatives and friends with school age children say the same. So I plan to call end of week on the off chance I will get someone in the office.

Like Quoll says no need to panic it can be organised in a morning and he can start the next day. But speed is not the important consideration you need to choose the right school, look at it’s policies, location and any other special considerations needed for your son’s sake. A knee jerk decision which would mean changing schools again and causing more upset and instability.


I know Dubbo well - it is quite a big place with many schools with no shortage of placements.


I've been in Oz since December staying with my parents temporarily I have talked to people I know, my sister in law for example who has children the same age, to give me helpful advice. My Irish partner is still living OS for now – he knows nothing of the Aussie school system so is relying on my local Aussie knowledge to get things in place while he is in Ireland. That makes sense.


This is an important decision albeit temporary. Plans change all the time especially with international moves. You just need to work to a new plan that can support everyone. You could be feeling anxious because you don’t understand or know the system. I went to approx 8 different schools (father’s job transfers). Kids adapt well and love adventure. I bet your son loves adventure and meeting new people, I bet he’s a sociable and bright child.


He will be just fine just as you will be.


The school term starts Wed 30th Jan as Quoll has confirmed. Quoll also confirmed the offices are generally empty. So nothing can be done for now.


Have you tried talking to someone who lives in the area or knows the town well? I assume you know someone there it is not a typical destination. Country people are happy to help.

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