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Weighing up the 457 and skilled 190 visa


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So having been pondering on this for a number of years, we have finally booked flights and are going for a reccie (albeit a quick one!) at Easter - that is myself (a midwife), OH (contract manager) and 2 lads (aged 9 and 12). Flying into Adelaide for 4 days, catching the Overland to Melbourne for 5 days then flying up to Brisbane for a week. I know this isnt enough time for a thorough look around but am restricted by kids' holidays. Am hoping to get a 'feel' (altho again, I know it is different when in holiday mode!!). I have been looking at visa options (applying myself as a midwife) and am undecided between the long stay business 457 and the skilled nominated 190. I know several midwives who have gone out on the 457 and have then got their PR via employer so know this is an option. However, speaking to a couple of agents, they are trying to persuade me to apply for the 190, as will defo get the PR (as long as remaining working in the nominating state for 2 years). I've been told that with the 190, I would be entitled to free schooling and first time buyers grant. But I thought the kids were entitled to attend state school free (apart from contributions) anyway on the 457. The 457 will be cheaper and quicker to get out and part of me thinks the agents advice is biased because I will more than likely need their help with the visa which will cost me. But depending when I look at it, I can see the pros and cons of both visas.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I've got brain ache !! Thanks.

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Hi, i would advise not coming on a 457 visa. We did, only to find out that my husbands company had no intention of keeping him on after 6 months (only found this out the day before the 6 months ended). Turns out it was cheaper for them to bring us out and get all the systems in place for the job as they had no-one to do this. We are now in our 28 day notice period to leave the country and it isnt easy trying to find work to stay, organising a move that you dont want to do and consoling 2 teenqagers and a dog who have only been here 3 months. We are down by more than £30k which will rise once we have paid for everything to go home. We have heard of this happening to quite a few others, some who have lost their job before their container even arrived. Dont let this put you off coming to Oz. Oz is fantastic and we would love to stay. Just be prepared and make sure you have sufficient money to get home if the visa doesnt work out. As for schooling, Queensland are the only state i believe that give free schooling for 457 visa holders (apart from contributions). Some other states can be quite high fees. I know people who are cheaper sending their kids to private schools rather than state schools. If you plan your trip you can manage in the timescale you have. We came out for a 5 day rekkie as it was all the time we had. Hope all goes well

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So having been pondering on this for a number of years, we have finally booked flights and are going for a reccie (albeit a quick one!) at Easter - that is myself (a midwife), OH (contract manager) and 2 lads (aged 9 and 12). Flying into Adelaide for 4 days, catching the Overland to Melbourne for 5 days then flying up to Brisbane for a week. I know this isnt enough time for a thorough look around but am restricted by kids' holidays. Am hoping to get a 'feel' (altho again, I know it is different when in holiday mode!!). I have been looking at visa options (applying myself as a midwife) and am undecided between the long stay business 457 and the skilled nominated 190. I know several midwives who have gone out on the 457 and have then got their PR via employer so know this is an option. However, speaking to a couple of agents, they are trying to persuade me to apply for the 190, as will defo get the PR (as long as remaining working in the nominating state for 2 years). I've been told that with the 190, I would be entitled to free schooling and first time buyers grant. But I thought the kids were entitled to attend state school free (apart from contributions) anyway on the 457. The 457 will be cheaper and quicker to get out and part of me thinks the agents advice is biased because I will more than likely need their help with the visa which will cost me. But depending when I look at it, I can see the pros and cons of both visas.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I've got brain ache !! Thanks.


I think you are getting good advice from whatever agent you spoke to. In fact they seem to be putting your best interests ahead of a quick buck.


Visas cost, emigration costs, you just can't do it without spending money. If you are not prepared to spend money then emigration is not for you.


The 457 is effectively a work permit, if you are thinking of migrating, then your best visa is the one that allows you to do this. I don't know why people always want the quickest visa, after X years in UK they decide to move to Australia and then want a visa straight away. Take your time, Australia is not going anywhere, get the visa that bests suits your needs. Which is a permanent one.

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Thanks for the replies so far. In terms of wanting the quickest visa - it's only because my big boy would start high school in January and I think it would help him settling if he's starting a new school at the same time as several other primaries are coming together to one high school. So it's not a mad rush - just wanting to be out there and have the kids making friends before the long Xmas holiday.


Also, on the 457, my colleagues didn't have to do the IELTS which is quite appealing! However, I am looking into test dates and looking at practice papers now in case we do opt for the 190.



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Thanks for the replies so far. In terms of wanting the quickest visa - it's only because my big boy would start high school in January and I think it would help him settling if he's starting a new school at the same time as several other primaries are coming together to one high school. So it's not a mad rush - just wanting to be out there and have the kids making friends before the long Xmas holiday.


Also, on the 457, my colleagues didn't have to do the IELTS which is quite appealing! However, I am looking into test dates and looking at practice papers now in case we do opt for the 190.


Davidson4 - I really hope another job comes up - or are you resigned to the fact that you're coming back? Good luck with it.



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Some states do charge school fees. Here in WA a few years ago there was a promise to a lot of nurses that they would be sponsored for PR from 457 - when the time came, they actually did a freeze - so that some people ended up doing it themselves. PR gives you the flexibility to change employers if you don't like it - whereas to move you'd have to ask another health service to take on your visa (if you were applying to another health service for a job).


A lot of airlines also do not give temporary visa holders an excess baggage allowance as you're not seen to be migrating.

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Hi Mel


I'm also a midwife looking to move out at end of year with my daughter who is 9. Again I'm trying to decide which visa would be best. I'm not using an agency but trying to sort it myself. Have you put your AHPRA application in yet? I'm hoping to move to Brisbane

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Hi Shoosh


I havent registered with AHPRA yet - have updated my CV and downloaded form ready to do. Am just getting my head around everything and deciding the best way / order to do things!! Initially, my plan was to register with AHPRA soon i.e. be registered before going to Australia at Easter so that once we'd decided where we thought we'd like to settle,I could start applying for jobs when I got back. That was going to be with the 457 but then I got confused with the skilled nominated 190 visa (!). However, I'm not convinced I have enough points for the 190, despite 2 agents telling me I have.... So I'm waiting for clarification from a third agent!!

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Hi, i would advise not coming on a 457 visa. We did, only to find out that my husbands company had no intention of keeping him on after 6 months (only found this out the day before the 6 months ended). Turns out it was cheaper for them to bring us out and get all the systems in place for the job as they had no-one to do this. We are now in our 28 day notice period to leave the country and it isnt easy trying to find work to stay, organising a move that you dont want to do and consoling 2 teenqagers and a dog who have only been here 3 months. We are down by more than £30k which will rise once we have paid for everything to go home. We have heard of this happening to quite a few others, some who have lost their job before their container even arrived. Dont let this put you off coming to Oz. Oz is fantastic and we would love to stay. Just be prepared and make sure you have sufficient money to get home if the visa doesnt work out. As for schooling, Queensland are the only state i believe that give free schooling for 457 visa holders (apart from contributions). Some other states can be quite high fees. I know people who are cheaper sending their kids to private schools rather than state schools. If you plan your trip you can manage in the timescale you have. We came out for a 5 day rekkie as it was all the time we had. Hope all goes well


Go speak to a Registered Migration Agent, the 28 days is the rule but have seen agents being able to extend this while looking for a sponsor.

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The 457 is easy to get but you're tied to the employer. Moving job is always going to involve risks but with a 457 you're moving job and you face the risk of staying in a job you don't like or having to leave the country if you lose work.


I came over on a 457 at first and I changed employer after a year. It was huge hassle getting a new employer though and a lot just wouldn't look at you.

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  • 2 months later...

Im a midwife and im in the same boat! after doing some reading i think im going to aim for the 190, seems to be more secure. Im looking at NSW, have been told that you have to pay towards school fees on a 457-up to $10,000, although this is different in different states.

I wondered if anyone can advise...

Im doing AHPRA application, should i wait until i have confirmation of this before going for the visa with the NSW govt? or can i do simultaneously??!

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