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Couple looking for fruit picking work HELP and ADVICE PLEASEEE !!!


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Hey everyone


Myself and my girlfriend and currently in Brisbane and on the hunt for fruit picking work !

We both are hard working and very capable but we are finding it very difficult to locate work and we are getting more and more frustrated.

I was just interested if anybody had any advice on how to find fruit picking work, or advice from other couples who have done similar a similar sort of thing and what crops are ready for harvesting?

If anyone has any contacts or knows anyone hiring that would also be great !


Thanks very much



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Guest The Pom Queen
It's unreal isn't it, I had the same epic myself. It's really tough to get regional, sooooo many people are looking.

Not sure why, there is plenty of work up here, although it looks like the area from Mackay to Cairns will be flooded in the next week or so if this low decides what it's doing

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Not sure why, there is plenty of work up here, although it looks like the area from Mackay to Cairns will be flooded in the next week or so if this low decides what it's doing


Actually you are right, if you ring the harvest trail or any of the backpackers in Cairns you always get the same "quiet" stock response. I'm sure it's a different ball game if you are actually there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We really struggled to find any picking work at all in QLD - the crops are all off tilt with tmings due to the crazy weather the past couple of years, and now with the latest floodings, I imagine it won't get hugely better.Having said that, I've heard Coff's Harbour in NSW needs pickers for various things.


Check the following websites:


Travellers at Work

Fruit Picking Jobs

and just google 'fruit picking, oz' and you should get an idea of where the work is in general.


As I say, we couldn't find anything up north, so came down to VIC and there is a ton of work, just started in the last week. Its horrid (lol) but its here - shepparton and the surrounding areas.


Good luck, hope you find stuff! :)

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best chance would be to look a hostels notice boards... thats how we got work in childers years ago.

like others say, your best bet would be nsw/vic, with all the weather problems in qld atm..


good luck and be prepared to do some hard yakka, but at the same time you should have a great time!

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