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Perth Arrivals?


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Anyone due to be arriving in Perth? Janette and I (aka Mrs Braveheart) and I want to organise another meet and would like to catch as many of you as we can (providing you're interested of course).


Ali & Janette

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Guest Mrs Braveheart

Yes it would be great to meet the ones that couldn't make the last meet due to other commitments or not being in the country yet.


I might even make a meet at our house this month before the big meet in March if we can every decide where it will be. Billy does a mean th_BBQ.gif &th_57.gif lol this piccy is so apt for Billy (I am dead when he sees this) th_rofl.gif



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Guest billy braveheart

oh is that right mrs,,,,, i think ill just need to call in the union and go on strike,

ill do the bar work and you can do the barbie then lol

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Guest Mrs Braveheart

Hi Juderay & a&s


We are looking at March time but dont worry there will be plenty more meets to come......Right Ali :jiggy:



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Guest dave&donna

Can we come pleeeease?


Fingers and toes crossed if all goes well we're hoping to be there by end of April or mid May so can we come to play if you have a meet then?









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Guest Mrs Braveheart

Of course you can hun.


We will need to look at having a meet in July as well if most are coming June time ish



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Guest Mrs Braveheart

Hi Tracy


Defo BYO will you be coming to March meet ??? If so we are still looking for suggestions as to where to have it only suggestion so far is Hillarys but sounds good to me :jiggy:



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Guest julie2g1b



dont know when we will be over yet by the sound of it you have quit alot of meet up's


and would soooooooo much like to meet everyone as you both sound so much fun


it gives us somthing to look forward to and meet new friends.


keep up the good work guy's :notworthy::notworthy:


julie and gang :wubclub:

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Guest Mrs Braveheart

Hi Julie


Dont worry hun if we dont have a meet arrange we will meet you all in person no worries. Just let us no when your coming over. And that goes for everyone else coming to Perth just let us no when your arriving & we can meet up.





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Guest julie2g1b

thanks janette

that is so nice of you will be nice to put faces to people


once we have sold the house and get the visa we are all running to the plane:biglaugh:


julie and gang:wubclub:

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Guest Em & Rich

Hi Ali


We are also coming to Perth but don't know when yet probably later on in the year. Look forward to meeting you all then.


Em & Rich :smile:

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Guest julie2g1b

hi ali


that is a brill idea:idea: as i am no good at names my memery went yrs ago


plus when we do all meet then its less embarressing asking who the hell are you:biglaugh:


julie :wubclub:

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Guest Karen A

Hi Ali

Yes that would be good. I'm coming over on my own on 21st February until 17th March. I'm looking

at various options businesses and working as a hairdresser which I need to get a sponsor. I have previously sent Janette a couple of messages


Karen A

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Hi, we (simon, sue, reece) arrive in Perth on the 3rd March and are up for the meet, where and when is it??

We are staying in Connolly to start with but have transport so no problem.

Im a Bricklayer so Looking forward to putting a few questions to your other half.


See you all soon.


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We may do name badges next time though lol - it was a bit confusing trying to remember peoples user names and real names





We had a function round our place on New Year's Day...................... including kids we had almost 100 people turn up................. that was before my limestone blocks turned up though. It's still a bit of a building site at the moment so it's not a good venue from a safety point of view.


The brickwork is now all completed............. the sparky has been and gone too........... all that needs doing now is the backfilling and screeding. Once the concreter has finished we could hold a knees-up at our place............ might be a few months off yet as I am still awaiting quotes.


We can fit 60-70 cars easily up our driveway and on our full-size soccer pitch down the botttom.


Bear that in mind for future functions.

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