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anyone taken their car in their container?? need some answers please


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sorry this has probably been done to death but can't find the answers to everything i want to know.....


if you took your car, what size of container did you use?


would it be possible to use a 20ft or does it have to be a 40ft container?


how are your belongings packed around the car? is the care protected in some way to prevent damage if something moves during transit?


any hints/tips for taking a car in a container? or anything we should avoid doing?



thanks in advance!

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Most people tend to ship cars separately from personal belongings, either in a separate container / shared container, or RORO (which is cheaper). The reason is that a car requires more paperwork on arrival. You will need an import licence & on arrival the car will need a valuation, duties paid & often a clean by MAF. The process of clearing a car can take a couple of weeks & if its with personal belongings, things get complicated & cost more as it means your belongings may be delayed while the car clears.


If you do ship a car in the same container as belongings, the shipping company should arrange everything. They should build a frame around the car to protect if from damage from the personal stuff & vice versa. The size of the container will depend on the size of the car & amount of personal effects. Again, your shipping company should be able to advise.


There are heaps of threads on here re shipping cars, so have a read through. Iron Chefs thread is a good starting point:


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We were initially going to send our car in with our belongings. They build a crate over the bonnet and car roof so use that space. We were not sure it would go in a 20ft container so would have needed a 40ft container. It worked out cheaper to send the car separately from the belongings.

We shipped the car in a container with Karman shipping, faultless throughout.

We were allowed to put things in the car too, so had a few things in the boot.

Don't think we could fill up all the seats from memory, but maybe it was just my husband that didn't want any if the seats marked?!

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We shipped our Porsche with our household goods in one container which was 20ft. We had 50 boxes (pieces excluding the car) including our lounge suite and a large cabinet. Most of the contents went into container first at the back then the car was put in with blocks and balloon bags to secure and a couple the suite went on a ceiling shelf.

You will need to apply to be able to ship the car DO NOT SEND UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS AUTHORITY it takes about 3/4 weeks to come back. We were lucky a friend shipped it out as he has his own business and arranged for CARGO ONLINE.AU to organise this end. I have to say they are brilliant and kept us informed of everything that was happening even when the container ship was held up for a week in Singapore on the way over. In total it took 45 days to arrive. The company also took care of registering the car, getting it through all the various customs, quarantine etc. There is no way we could of done this ourselves as it is a minefield!!


If you need anymore advise let us know



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