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Melbourne schooling for 11 & 9 year old?


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Moving to Victoria area in May and understand school years are different in each state, and confused with whole process. So could someone please clarify which year my children will be going into. Oldest child is 11 and will be 12 in June, my other child is 9 and will be 10 in July. Also there seems to be different opinions on wether or not contact can be made with the school regarding a place for your child. Can this be done before we come over or do you have to be in permanent residency?



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Your eldest will drop back into last year of primary Yr 6 and move up to senior school in Jan 14. working backwards I think that means younger one would be going into yr 4. I have read posts that people have managed to secure a school place before arriving but it is very individual school determined eg if they have a strict intake zone then you will need to provide evidence of tenancy or ownership of property within their zone. For schools that are happy to accept from anywhere it might be easier I approached several schools on our reccie trip and they all stated to turn up with all the necessary documentation once arrived in oz. these were state schools if looking at private they might be more flexible

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks memmymooch, for info, just getting a bit panicky. When we arrive would really love the children to be at the same school for a while but just unsure of which type of school, state or catholic? My head is spinning!!!

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Don't panic. I agree - yrs 6 and 4 for your two in 2013. Not much point in contacting schools until you have got a rental because govvie schools generally won't look at you until you live in their catchment area. Give the free option a go first unless you are set on a Catholic education for the kids. You'll have time to suss out he local HS (do that quickly) because there is more of a trend to move kids into private at HS. Most PS are fine and usually reflect the socio economic status of the catchment area - so if you wouldn't want to live in a suburb you probably wouldn't want your kids to go to the local school!

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Thanks for the information, I suppose you won't truly be able to make a decision till your there and see at hand the schools and areas for yourself. I don't want to waste people's time by contacting them and then deciding when we get there it's not for our kids. I guess we really just have to decide whether to continue the children's catholic education. In general do most Catholics choose to go to catholic schools?

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Thanks for the information, I suppose you won't truly be able to make a decision till your there and see at hand the schools and areas for yourself. I don't want to waste people's time by contacting them and then deciding when we get there it's not for our kids. I guess we really just have to decide whether to continue the children's catholic education. In general do most Catholics choose to go to catholic schools?

If they can, yes they do. The fact that your kids have had a Catholic education to date is in their favour - get a reference from their current school to support your commitment to Catholic education for the kids and you should be fine

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