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Low cost travel between Brisbane and Cairns :/


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Coming to oz in may with my partner on a WHV. After staying in brisbane with her brother initially we want to travel upto cairns to see her other brother. However we dont want to do the journey all at once as we have a possible job in yeppoon. So what is the best way to travel to cairns and back as well as making a few stops for the cheapest amount?

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Keep an eye on gumtree (travel partners section) to see if anyone is travelling the same route so you can grab a lift. Also van rental companies depending on what time of year your travelling they offer relocations for like $1 a day so check this out when your there! And last resort bus service, Greyhound and Premier, Premier is cheaper but only have one bus a day so keep this in mind!

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There is a site that you can go on and opt to deliver a camper van back to base at short notice. I think there are license restrictions but it is low cost and they give you a time frame in which you have to arrive with the van. Sorry I can't remember the site address but someone else might know.


There is also this site





good luck


Millie x

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look at the notice boards at hostels, when I travelled around oz we found plenty of people that way to help share the fuel costs... plenty of people put up a notice with destination, departing date and tel number.... Every hostel you check, hang up a paper yourselves, stating what your looking for

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