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Creeped out by Crawlies!


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I arrived in Australia in October under a Working Holiday Visa but have since decided to settle down in Sydney and gain sponsorship for a 457.


After months of couch surfing and dormitory youth hostelling, last weekend I finally moved into my new home. I'm renting a basement-level room in a beautiful townhouse on the harbourside. I love having my own space (furnished from Vinnie's), sitting in the garden and watching the boats sail past, socialising with my housemates...


... but I don't like the wildlife!


I seem to be constantly finding new swollen, itchy places and almost every day I find one of these lovelies in my room (though mine are decidedly larger):


One of the guys has loaned me his mosquito net until I can sort my own out (I'm thinking a four-poster bed with mosquito canopy) but I find myself spending most of the day under it, terrified of being eaten by something else! And even though nothing's managed to get through, I still keep feeling 'tickles' or phantom bites and can't seem to get comfortable.


The house already has insect barriers at every window and doorway, so it seems ridiculous for so many 'friends' to find their way in.


How do people cope? Do you just sort of get used to it after a while? I've never been arachnophobic but these things properly freak me out. It feels like only a matter of time before one nests inside my trousers and I get bitten :frown:


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I honestly don't think I have seen any more spiders or other insects here than I ever did in the UK. I went back to UK this year and I really noticed flies though, hardly ever see flying insects here (I am on the beaches in Sydney).


We did notice that we were getting a lot of spider webs on the outside of our home about 6 months ago, so we got it sprayed on the outside and now we don't really see the webs anymore.

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Perhaps it's just very area specific then. My experience in New South Wales is very different to that in old South Wales. Flies have been as much of a problem, buzzing around your head and constantly landing on you.


We do have heavily planted gardens all around the house... the spiders seem to be coming in and out of the car port, which is a big shared garage for six houses and has a door leading directly into my bedroom. The spiders I've failed to catch have run out through the gap above that door.


I'll look into the barrier spray - thanks!

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