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Help with filling out child 101 visa plz


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hello everyone,


i am looking for some help please with the above visa? it si asking to attach evidence of employment in oz but were not there yet so what do we do? also they want our original police certs, do they return these? and if so can i use my parents as the address to send all docs back to?


thanks kelly

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Hi kellyjamie


we were in the same situation as yourself sent ours all in back in sept still waiting, as for employment we sent in 2years worth of payslips from uk employer to show evidence of financial support, police have to be dated within the last 12 months for yourself and your partner we had to send 4 copies the originals and a certified copy of each then once they receive them they sent the originals back to us we had to provide a return stamped address envelope in with all the paperwork, I should imagine you can use your parents address for this, and regarding housing we just wrote down what our housing situation was now here in the uk,


hope this helps


kind regards

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thanks so much! i just find it a bit bizarre given its an offshore visa and most applicants will have the child with them in the UK?


ok so for the financial aspect i can give a ref from employers to say we have worked for 2+ years? and for the housing question just give info of our uk house?


Thanks again

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Yeah ref from employer are good but also provide evidence of this the main thing to use is pay slips or if self employed accounts etc just ref's don't think would be enough evidence, yea and again housing question we provided details of the house we are living in in the uk, some of the questions on the paper are a bit ridiculous ,



Hope this helps anymore info you need on it just pm me and I will try and help as much as possible.

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