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Any HR people going / there already?!


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Hi everyone,


Having a bad day with it all today so could do with some positive vibes if anyone has them!!


I'm in HR and we are looking at going July 2013. Unless I secured employment before then. Basically today I rang someone about a job on seek and asked if they would accept applications from UK based candidates ie me! Straight no, she said that things have dropped off in Perth since 6 months ago and they now have lots of candidates for every HR job. So she said not to bother applying for anything before I go. I'm so disheartened I thought I stood a good chance but now I'm really worried about getting a job when we get there then that increases my worries about getting a long term rental as no job no income so potentially no long term house?!


is anyone there in HR that can offer any advice, or even just a positive!!




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I am not in HR but your story is not unusual! It is regularly said that it is hard to find work from overseas. Not having any luck before you move over does not mean you won't have any luck once you get there. I also didn't make progress six months before I moved, however I found work in less than a week once here.


At the same time, I don't want to suggest you be complacent, you need to make sure you have enough money to tide yourself over on arrival.

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I have had the same response re the market being in a downturn but i am going to keep applying for jobs from the UK and hope for the best. Once I'm in Perth I guess it'll be much easier though!

What industry do you work in?


I got 2 jobs in the recession in the UK.....

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Hi Ali


My OH works in HR and we are planning on moving to Perth (hopefully) next year. We’re off to validate our visa’s in Feb and my OH is going to arrange meetings with recruitment agencies in Perth and look for jobs.


He’s spoke to a couple of people already and applied for tons of jobs but unfortunately gets the same response as you. Although a couple of recruitment consultants said he once he gets over here it will be easier to find a job.


We think that my OH is going to have to go over first and we’ll have to stay behind until he finds a job. As we have two children we can’t all go until we have job security.


Sorry I couldn’t have said anything more positive. I’m really looking forward to our validation trip in February, it’s only 11 weeks! Good luck with your job hunting and organising the move – keep us posted Clare x

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