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Restaurant recommendation?


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Hi, just wondering if anyone could recommend a nice restaurant in Singapore changi airport T3? Someone has mentioned the crystal jade restaurant, has anyone eaten here, also I'm not sure how much to take in Singapore dollars so hoping someone might be able to advise on a 3 course meal for a family of 5? Any advice would be much appreciated:smile:

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Thanks for your replies, I have already been on the airport guide, so I really just wanted personal recommendations.

also, I will be shutting all my uk bank accounts, and can not get my new credit card until I arrive in qld, so will be carrying some cash, but not to much, hence the reason wanting to know roughly how much food costs in changi airport?

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Thanks for your replies, I have already been on the airport guide, so I really just wanted personal recommendations.

also, I will be shutting all my uk bank accounts, and can not get my new credit card until I arrive in qld, so will be carrying some cash, but not to much, hence the reason wanting to know roughly how much food costs in changi airport?



Ah... Can I ask why you're shutting all your UK accounts? Personally I've found it invaluable to have a UK account that my family/friends can easily pay money into and I into their accounts. It's certainly made birthday and christmas presents much easier (especially since my little sister tends to want expensive stuff which generally needs to be bought between several family members, so ability to transfer money around becomes a godsend...).


At the very least, I would leave them running until you've got everything up and running in Australia, just in case anything goes pear shaped over here with getting your new cards etc.

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Hi Ali, I have found menus but without prices, I've also read 50/50 good/bad reviews on some of the restaurants.


Hi RockDr, again thankyou for your reply, I understand what your saying about bank accounts but unfortunately, I have no family in the uk, only my mum and she is coming with me, I have had most of my money transferred into hubby's and my joint account in oz but they won't let me have my card until I arrive and sign for it, even though hubby is there (since July) and has picked his card up. I just thought it would be best to tie things up this end, closing accounts paying bills and to be honest cutting all ties with the uk. I understand things can go wrong but il cross that bridge when I come to it :0)

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There's always Macca's at the airport .... how long are you in transit? If it's only a short time you may not want to eat - you get so much food on the journey to Singapore (at least 2 meals) you may not be hungry.

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Hi Ali,


We are there for just under 15hrs, but I have booked the transit hotel for 10hrs. The only other problem I have is once we are done at the transit it will be around 4:45AM so not sure what will be open for food, and even how we will be feeling, I'm sure our body clock will still be on uk time :0)

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