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help! private or public? midwife needs help.


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Hi Louise


Im a midwife i have researched private/public hospitals in Perth (cant speak for Melbourne). My experience is that public in general have a more mw led service but very much depends on individual service/hospital. I would contact the head of midwifery/nursing in the areas/hospitals you wish to work and ask about the services and type of roles they offer/are looking for (have a quick look at websites first to gleen basic info and will show you have done a bit of research if you apply later on). It will also depend on temp/permanent visa etc etc


If you have any questions on my experience please pm me


best of luck x

Hi everyone,


I'm a midwife moving from the UK to Melbourne and I can't decide weather to work in private or public maternity. Can anybody help with advice.


Cheers, Louise

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