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what do you appreciate that you never knew you had?


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Where I live is a relatively small town but it is home to a local nature reserve particularly noted for it's birds.


Now over the last few weeks I have noticed that there are hundreds of geese flying overhead day and night (can keep you awake with the chatter they make). You see and hear it all the time. Apparently they are migrating from Antartica (I could be wrong) for the winter. In the many years I lived here I never once paid attention to it but this year I am fascinated by it. I am not that into birds (no pun intended) but I do love nature and I am so excited this year about going to see all the birds that have migrated this winter, apparently 63,000 geese at least - amazing!! Now I know to some this may be SO boring but it is something I am really looking forward to that I never knew I had.


Other things I appreciate are


Being able to walk into town

Having a nice size house - not OTT roomy

school, shops, jobs, parks, trains all within walking distance

Fresh air!!

The beautiful countryside continues to amaze me and most importantly I can see it everywhere....

The seasons - quite looking forward to seeing the leaves turn brown and red and go all crispy


Anyway, just feeling good about it all and wondering who else wants to share something nice...

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Guest AKA63029

It's a weird one Which, sort of 'looking' at things with a different eye, problem is that 'before' you/me/them saw those things that we NOW love/enjoy were ALWAYS there and it sometimes takes one hell of a wake up call to realise that the things we find so great now were always there but we never 'saw' them.


Not just talking of migration either, where sometimes the things we took for granted are sorely missed when we move, but in all avenues of life to a degree.


We often 'miss' many things that would lift our spirits, 'life' has a way of getting in the way at times and we miss the things that make our hearts beat a little faster or make our lives that bit more pleasurable.


I've lived in 7 counties in the UK, and with hand on heart I can say each bought their own uniqueness and things that made me a little happier.


Even Essex, :laugh: people often bemoan Essex, but it has some of the prettiest countryside you could ever poke a stick at.


OK, Norfolk and the six fingered one eyed locals took some getting used to (only kidding Norfolkians) was lovely.


Been to over forty countries now, and to this day still miss some aspects of each country, even those that some would say are 'undesirable'.


It's all to easy to miss the obvious matey, and to a degree I also realise that it is difficult to constantly say, 'Awe, Look At That, Isn't It Wonderful'.


But 'travel' in all it's marvels has a way of not only being a complete pain at times, but also makes you realise that at 'times' the place we find ourselves in isn't as bad as first thought.


Cheers Tony.

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Guest TheSally

I'm looking at moving to the UK after most of my life here in Oz and since we made the decision I've been noticing things about here that I'll miss.

Like the sound of the kookaburras and magpies that are just so normal to me that I hardly notice them.

The smell of the australian bush which is distinctive- kind of a mixture of eucalyptus and ants.

People wearing hats everywhere so they don't get burnt,

The smell of sunscreen

The smell of BBQs on the weekends.

Coroborees at the local Aboriginal Co Op or Cultural Centres



I'm sure there's more but thats what I have so far, There are plenty of things I won't miss too, I know I'm going the other way but thats my two cents. :biggrin:

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I think when I move back: I will miss the following things: internet shopping (amazon) cheaper groceries and being comfortable financially being able to go to places in europe so easily, skiiing etc my wood burner really pretty bird songs people letting you in - traffic. Just wow to that. some of the telly programmes I will be really interested to see if I miss anything else. Will let you know. In the area I'm in, we don't have the ability to walk into town or get to shops easily. It's a train or 45 min car journey to get to decent stores (department style). Things I miss from home (Brisbane): agree with Like the sound of the kookaburras and magpies that are just so normal to me that I hardly notice them. The smell of the australian bush which is distinctive- kind of a mixture of eucalyptus and ants. People wearing hats everywhere so they don't get burnt, The smell of sunscreen The smell of BBQs on the weekends. and also decent pools and lanes for lap swimmers lots of the food (LONG list) my beach being able to get to a good department store easily parking and general ease of getting places wooden houses walkers at 5 am the early mornings clothes drying really fast on the line the christmas season being warm the distinctive sound of aussie kids playing in their gardens decent coffee

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