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midwife needing help


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Hi. There's a lot of chat around forums saying not to use agencies to obtain a midwifery job, to get the job direct from hospitals. Why is this? I'm looking to get a job in Melbourne. Also, is any agencies better than others? Any advice on maternity hospitals to work in & which to avoid?


A very confused and worried midwife.

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The reason you're better off trying direct with the hospitals is that they won't have to pay a finders fee to the agency, so you'll probably find they are required to consider direct applicants first!

BUT, if you want to try via agencies as well, then you should be fine :)


As for hospitals - I'm not a midwife, but I am 35-36 weeks preggers atm, and like the atmosphere at Casey Hospital in Berwick (midwife led unit - low risk pregnancies only).

Ok except for the really really fat midwife who gave me a lecture of nutrition the other day......... I think I'm more familiar with fruit and vegies than she is!!




Oh and for public hospital jobs you might want to have a look at http://www.health.vic.gov.au/jobs/ plus the usual job websites of course ;)

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