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Contemplating a Leap


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Well we are just torn… We aren’t sure if we should take a leap of chance


Here’s the story…


In 2010, due to foreseeable changes in my job (and company) my husband and I thought it was time for a change – we’ve moved around before and we were ready to make the move from the UK. Since he’s lived in Australia before and we traveled there for our honeymoon we thought Australia would be perfect – so we set our sights on a life down under.


We got all excited and began exploring the different avenues for getting over. Me, through my work and my husband through a Trades-based visa – in early 2011 I spent a month in Sydney interviewing and making connections while my husband finalized his visa application submission – unfortunately neither worked out, either due to job market timing or the lack of consecutive trade experience (my husband is qualified in 3 different trade areas, 3 very different areas, and due to the UK economy has ping ponged between various jobs within those trades, which means he hasn't built up the consecutive years required to qualify for a state/regional visa).


But we were determined – so we continued trying, I moved companies locally with the hope of having a better chance at an internal transfer while concentrating on growing my career. My husband invested in continuing his education and tried to land a permanent job that would give him a better foundation for obtaining a visa… but as the clock ticked over to 2012, our dream of moving to Australia seems to be getting further and further away. My husband has been unable to secure anything locally, outside of the odd temp staff jobs (across 2 of his trade disciplines) and although we had a glimmer of hope about a month ago (I was given the opportunity to interview for a couple of internal roles based in Australia, however their requirement to have someone immediately meant me being removed from the candidate short) – it again didn’t work out.


But now, here comes another glimmer of hope, the chance to secure something in Australia… My husband has been in contact with a couple of different agencies looking to fulfill jobs within one of his Trade areas (where he holds full qualifications and has 13+ years of consolidated experience), both have stated that they need him local to put him forward for the jobs – to go through interviews, trial days, etc. They state that the employers are more than willing to sponsor a 457, but they need the applicant local – they are unwilling to sponsor someone sight unseen, regardless of qualifications or experience.


So here’s the question(s)…


Should we do it? Should we pack him up and put him on a plane to Perth? He’d be going on his own – I’d stay behind, fully employed and fully supporting the effort. We figured this would be the best possible way of managing the chance – one of us goes off, the other stays behind and holds down the fort. But we are a little unsure – is it frowned upon or would there be a chance of him being denied sponsorship because he arrived on a tourist visa and wants to change it to a working one? Is a month a long enough time? Or should we draw the line in the sand at 2? Because he’s in the hospitality industry (qualified Chef) and it’s coming up to the summer time, we think this might be the best time to be looking – but again, there’s no guarantee of landing a job… and we are fine with that, we just don’t want there to be an issue regarding the visa. What if he finds a job, an employer willing to sponsor him and then he’s denied because he arrived without the appropriate visa prior to being offered a job? We just don’t know… should we take the chance? Or should we just watch the clock tick over to 2013? *sigh*

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Guest The Pom Queen

Umm what a tough one, if it was a company rather than an agency I'd say go for it, but I've seen agencies mess people around and personally I would be a little wary.

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Hello, he did get 3 responses from different companies (that we applied for separately over a month ago) - for direct jobs and all 3 stated that they only considered local applicants. 2 of which stated they'd welcome his contact when he arrived in Perth, so not really offering him a job, just stating he'd be formally considered if he were local. :/

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Thanks M2M & Laney for your responses. We'd definitely would not put all our eggs in the agency basket - the question more is should we take the leap and try. Have him go local and be available vs trying to secure a job remotely. We just don't know if there would be a visa issue or not... :/

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If he goes to aus on a tourist visa make sure he has no work documents with him. Either get them sent by post or if he could save it all in his emails and then print it off in an internet cafe. I say this because if his luggage is opened and they see it they'll probably send him packing before he gets out of the airport. Good luck with everything though, hope it all works out for you.

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Guest kepi nik

the problem i would have is are they wanting someone with a visa or are they prepared to assist you with a visa because if not its a lot of money to waste going out there xxx

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Hi Kepi - all the positions we've been looking at are exclusive to offering sponsorship for the right person. We've been very clear about needing sponsorship and they have been very clear in addressing our specific questions around providing it - so that's definitely a plus.

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