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HELP! I am officially screwed!!!


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Sorry, just never got what was so special about living there :P as far as i can tell nothing lol. Would love to travel there on holidays though, well that's gonna be our next trip! Been to NY though.


I DID think it was a great place to live BEFORE the bloody recession happened. But I ended up here cause my OH is an American.

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Then it's your loss. Every country has its flaws and the US is no exception but it's a great place to live. Some of the nicest and most generous people I've ever met live here. Don't judge a book by its cover (or perhaps in the US's case, its media).


I completely agree. The US is the most remarkable country in the world for me. Every state is different and every city is different. Over the years I have met some of the most friendly, helpful, funny and interesting people I have ever come across. Amazing place in so many ways. Very fond memories of San Francisco and NYC in particular. Oh and being a die hard yankee fan means I am always trying to get to see the baseball. :biggrin:


Millie x

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Sometimes, we're the USA. Most of the time... we're 50 different countries, with 50 different regulations, laws, agencies, education standards, etc, etc. That7s how the system was designed. Sometimes it works. Sometimes... not so much.


A bowdlerised extract from one of my novels:


Madison can always conjure an ogre when it needs one—

the 747 going down—cut to a swarm of MIGs—a brace of

Top Guns scrambling off the USS Liberty—The Land of the

Spree, The William Tell Overture—make that one Top Gun,

we don't want any target identification situations—station

ID, a smidgen of recycling, greenhouse, any bulls****, with

subliminals of G. eating a baby and H. picking his mother's

pocket, or should that be G. picking his mother's pocket and

the baby pis**** pissing in a gas mask. Perhaps G. pis**** in

everyone's pocket and KGB pis**** in their pants. No that

was last week, you can't keep tabs on all the people all the

time, KGB have their pants down, they are pis****g in the

ocean. Uncle Sambo has Me-Too under control. He would

have sent a thousand warriors to each side if Uncle Sambo

had nodded. Uncle Sambo decreed—Take a dive Shorty.

Me-Too does as he is told or Uncle Sambo will not drape

the nuclear shroud over the Asian hordes when they flood

down to the Clever Country. Shorty is not as clever as G. or

even H. If he were he would let the gun-toting yanks train

the hordes in jungle warfare, problem solved, they would

annihilate themselves. If Shorty bends backwards any

harder, he will be sucking his own ar**. The army jerks

have other ideas—drag the gun to Darwin and give them a

fright. Shorty is pis**** in his own pocket. Uncle Sambo

looks as if he is about to keelhaul himself—the greatest military

technology in the world—the greatest show on earth—

that will keep them quiet for a while.






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