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It's so hard to pack!!!!!


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The removal company are coming in 2 weeks and i'm still not sorted.


Finding it so hard to go through my clothes to decide what to take in the suitcase, what to ship and what to throw. We still have 4 weeks in uk with parents after shipment. Weather will start to become chilly probably. Then a few days in singapore and then 4 weeks in Brisbane. Need to pack suitcase for that whole time incl work clothes. We wont get our shipped stuff til mid nov but it'll be summer time there. Is there a technique?


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Hi there,

I remember being the same almost 2 years ago now! The best advice would be to pack a little bit of everything! I put in some smartish trousers and a shirt and was glad I did as I got a job pretty quick! I had bought a new suit but air freighted that and it arrived just after I got my job and has still not been worn. As far as chucking things out goes, if you are shipping stuff then try to bring it with you unless its worn out. I have found clothes here to be more expensive and the choice is a bit limited. I stocked up on kids stuff in the next sale and was glad I did.

Good luck with it all.:cute:

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Thanks. Like every other women its so hard to let go of things. Im finding clothes i forgot i even had!! Keep wearing the same stuff so got rid of old worn stuff. God i sound like a right tramp!

I am shipping everything because i can i just have to decide what to put in the suitcase that i'll be living out of for 2 months.....arghh.

Thanks for your reply. Just being a drama queen :-)

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Pack enough clothes for a week. That's all you need. We spent 7 weeks here before our stuff arrived in a container, and there was still stuff at the bottom of the suitcase I had not used a.k.a. you can over pack. Remember, backpackers travel for a year or more with a single rucksack...:wink:

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Pack enough clothes for a week. That's all you need. We spent 7 weeks here before our stuff arrived in a container, and there was still stuff at the bottom of the suitcase I had not used a.k.a. you can over pack. Remember, backpackers travel for a year or more with a single rucksack...:wink:


Cheers i'll try to. I always overpack for holidays. Made some progress last night will continue after dinner tonight !

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We are on the same timeline, our removals go in 2 and half weeks, then we have 4 weeks here still in a very empty rental and then a friends caravan. Then 3 days in Kuala Lumpur then a month on the Sunshine Coast and we will be hoping for our stuff end of Nov.


Although when it comes to what to pack / take etc I am afraid I am quite ruthless, if it hasn't been worn for 6 months or more then it goes in the charity bag! But then we are only shipping 260 cuft. I do believe that you only ever need to take (in your suitcase) at most 7 outfits, its not like you are going to be far away from a washing machine.


My general rule of thumb for clothes is; winter stuff and stuff that I am not bothered about keep here till last minute then charity bag, summer stuff pack in suitcase plus one smart outfit anything else pack into container.

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