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Home Sickness


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Hello all,

I'm moving to Brisbane in 3 weeks on a WHV, i'll be doing my agricultural work to gain my second year and fingers crossed finding sponsorship to stay for good!

The only thing standing in my way is missing my parents, I was wondering if anyone had some good tips?


I know this seems to be the main reason for Poms returning to the UK, and believe me i'll try anything to make sure i don't need to come back here!


Things friends have been saying have hit home about having children away from home... i've posted recently on my blog about it for more info but if anyone could help by posting some tips in general it would be much appreciated.



Thank you!!!!

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I would really just say skyping and phoning parents often can help. The first few weeks will be hard if you're used to seeing them all the time but, it does get easier. Perhaps when you sort out your job and get sponsorship you could ask for them to save up to come and see you? Or help them save up aswell. I was only in oz for 4 months but when I left the UK I was used to seeing my mum every day as I still lived at home, after a month probably I got used to it but i don't think the homesickness will go away properly. Just think about the future ahead and what fun things you'll do and see when out there! If sponsorship doesn't work out but hopefully it does, then you know they'll all be waiting for you when you go back to the UK.Good luck!

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