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Working Holiday Visa Questions

Guest AndyJD

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Guest AndyJD

Hello me and my girlfriend are planning on travelling to Australia in October and are currently working through the working holiday visa and slightly confused with 2 of the questions:

Question 11. "What type of employment do you intend to seek during your stay?"

We are planning on doing so farm work and then maybe admin/bar/supermarket jobs and maybe look into jobs in the roles we have qualified in uni to gain some experience in that area (Health and Social care and MEng Electronic Engineering). What should we put for this question?

Question 32. "Do you hold health insurance to cover your stay in Australia?"

We have looked into health insurance but we aren't going to buy this until we get the visa granted, so which do we select?

Any help would be grateful, and if there are any other travellers heading out in October would be good to hear from you

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The first question I believe they want to know what line of work you in to decide if you need police certificates and medicals (If your working in health and social care this will probably be required). I guess put down what you decide to be the majority of employment line of work.


The second question you asked I am not sure. I think your suppose to have health insurance.

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Guest AndyJD

Thanks for your help, been looking and some people have mentioned to put hospitality down under the work section as this covers a wide variety of jobs, would this be suitable?

We will be getting health insurance, but it recommends not booking/buying anything until you get your visa accepted. But the question asked if we already have health insurance and not if you have the funds. So should we just tick yes and if we get the visa accepted then get the health insurance sorted?

Thanks again

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If from UK you will be entitled to Reciprocal Medicare - You should still get travel insurance - so it will be ok to put no on your form - it wont affect the grant of your visa.


As for the other question if you put farm work/ hospitality - that should be fine - some professions like Nurses require Medicals to get your application granted. Sound like you will be doing typical backpacker jobs so wont need one.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ManchesterOz

I got my WHV granted today, 9 hours after applying. I wont actually be doing any work while i am there at first as my current job (engineer on a private yacht) requires me to be all over the world. I got this visa because i plan to do one more trip away once i have arrived in oz 22nd november with my ozzie wife then quit. After doing one more trip away we would have been married for over 3 years and then will apply for the Spouse visa and should be granted PR without having to do the 2 year temp visa. So this visa will come in handy if i need to do temp work until the spouse visa is granted. I put that i would be looking for work in construction as i know that they are short on tradies and i also put that i did have medical insurance

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