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Starting a business - is it possible...

LA Clipper

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If I am not mistaken the 457 sponsorship ties you to your sponsor ....

I am not a migration expert, but we too are on 457 and my partner is not allowed to undertake any private work as part of his contract.

I have pasted a link hope it helps.

Good luck, it is like a minefield out there looking for the relevant information.

No doubt one of the PIO migration experts will be along shortly to offer advice and information.


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If you are not the main person (i.e the sponsored one) then as a dependant you have full work rights, and that includes starting a business.


I was the dependant (spouse) on a 457 and started my own small business as a sole trader. There was no trouble in registering an abn or anything.


If you need any other info about starting a small business, please pm me.

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