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house with a pool vs house with no pool- electricity costs......???


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We live in Queensland and are looking at 3 bed rentals with pools for $600 pw and houses with no pools for $500 pw and then i know there will be water costs and electricity bills on top but i just dont want to regret getting a house with a pool if the elec and water bills are going to cripple u on top of the big rent....

Does anyone know of rough electricity costs for a pool and a 3 bed house with only us and our young son. We have had a bill for the apartment we are in now and it was $380 for 90 days!!!.:arghh:

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Guest Seabird50

Yep, maintenance costs can be significant. Find out if it has a salt chlorinator as this saves money on chlorine. However, they are very time consuming, and the time spent maintaining the pool and time spent swimming in it is pretty equal. Nothing nicer than putting your arm in a freezing cold filter to remove leaves and debris!! Arm comes out blue in winter... Miss the time spent swimming in it when we had one, but not the time spent digging out leaves, balancing water quality, and feeling conned everytime I walked out the pool shop. If you have kids they are good as you cannot swim in the sea an guarantee not getting stung by jelly fish which is agonising. In short, personally I think it is all pretty much equal, and would suggest basing your house selection on other factors unless you have young children who will be kept quiet for hours. Others may disagree, of course!

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we have a 7 yr old son and would love to cool off in the summer but just dont want to be hit with stupidly high bills!!! and then thinking about the other months in winter when the pool isnt in use but the elecricity still has to be on for it!!!!!

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Guest OpenHouseRealtyGroup

I used to have a pool with chlorinator. The maintenance costs were very low and the cost of running the filter was comparable as to having an extra fridge. Nothing dramatic.

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Guest GeorgeD

Our maintenenace costs for chemicals were around $60-$100 per month, including a service by a pool guy. I used to go out every day or every other day and skim leaves off the top. Easier to keep on top of it on a regular basis than doing it weekly, would take a good half hour if I didn't do that. Regularly cleaning it means you use less chemicals too. Never needed to put any water in it. Mother Nature kept ours well topped up!

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