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Child Kidnapping in Oz

Guest ukusaoz

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Guest ukusaoz


I am a formwer migrant to Oz, but was obliged to leave after my two daughters 2nd kidnapping by the Mother, a Community Health NJurse and her then boyfriend. As she is a Community Nirse, this means 3 things in Oz; 1, She knows the system,2, she has friends in the right places and 3, she is above the law.


As many will be aware, compliance is discretionary in Oz, the Australia Public Service Ethics Code (Highest Ethical Standards) are imaginary. The "New Era" of Freedom of Information espoused by Brendan O Connor MP is imaginary, with access routinely denied to sheld wrongdoers from robust scrutiny.


And do not think the Police will help! I had goods stolen by a neighbour who then relocated. The Police will not disclose his location and will be reluctant to get involved. Or they will lie to you. This happened to me also with a 2nd Hand Shop dealer who moved to WA. The SA Police refused to provide the Incident Report requested by the Police in Perth.


I am often reminded of the quotation by Dr Martin Luther King; Injustice anywhere is a threst to justice everywhere. Australia has a very high tolerance threshold for wrongdoing, as will be evidenced from the unfolding story of corruption surrounding PM Julia Gillard and her dealings with her then man friiend, at the Australia Workers Union (AWU).


I have not seen my daughters for 12 years now. This of itself is a measure of the doubtful integrity of Australia's systems and how its justice system works or not. An Australia Barrister warned me against ever returning to Oz saying I am at risk of arrest for complaining about many Oz injustices. I risk "falling down some stairs", a euphamism for being detained by the AFP and beaten up in one of their holding centres.


I arrived in Australia in 1989 full of dreams and hope. I lost my children, my home, my award for Post Traumatic Stress that predated my marriage and was for when I was badly beaten up by a gang of armed killers who broke into my hme at at Agbara, Lagos, Nigeria,was also confiscated. I lost my business assets, partly owned by an American Corporation also. I was not permiitted to participate in a meaningful way in the secret trials (2) they have in Oz and any Appeal is denied, to protect Court Officers from scrutiny. Case law is also ignored and unqualified "experts" are recruited to arrive at pre-determined outcomes. There is no accountability.


By all means visit Oz, but don't expect to find an honest policeman,.


Comments and questions invited.


Kind Regards



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Guest shaunaforoz

Not according to Love Shoes in one of the other threads, she said they have gone up by a dollar a pound...or maybe that was a kg, cant quite remember :o)

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