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what happens after the medicals?

Guest rlh115

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Guest rlh115

Hellow fellow applicants/migrators; my application for the partner (defacto) temporary visa arrived at the London office on 7th August 2012 and I had an email from my case officer on 13th August 2012 asking for a medical examintaion to be provided and that was it! I also received my police check certifaicatess and some relationship evidence back to my postal address on 13th August. My question is; what does this mean? Any one who has been through this process will know so any help will be great. I have heard that health checks are usually the last hting asked for and as I have front loaded the application with the police checks and form 80 I guess that means I have provided enough relationship evidence? I just can't believe how quick they have been and don't want to get lulled into a false sense of security!!! Getting excited!!

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Guest claireanddom

my hubby had his medical in november and found out in jan that he had his visa...don't think much happened in between!

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