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School years


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I'm sorry as I know this has been asked before

I once saw a table on this site giving uk school years and what they are in Perth /WA

my son was born in August 2002 will be starting year 6 in the uk this September

when we move over to Perth in January what year would he go into , I believe or remember that he would go back to year 5 if so when would he go into year 6


Thank you



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don;t think of it as going back a year as it is two different systems, teaching different things and beginning and ending school at different times. Just work out what year he is in in Oz and don;t compare. they change year group at the end of the calender year - Dec, and enter the new year in feb.

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I'm sorry as I know this has been asked before

I once saw a table on this site giving uk school years and what they are in Perth /WA

my son was born in August 2002 will be starting year 6 in the uk this September

when we move over to Perth in January what year would he go into , I believe or remember that he would go back to year 5 if so when would he go into year 6


Thank you




Same age as my daughter, he will be in Year 5 in 2013 therefore Year 6 in 2014. He will go from being one of the youngest to one of the oldest in his year as the year runs 1st July to 30th June.


Don't think of it as 'going back'. He will be with kids his own age. There will be work he has covered already and work he hasn't. Better than being in a year ahead and struggling to settle in.

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