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Singapore airlines meals/ refreshments


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looking to book flights from Heathrow to Perth flying in Jan 2013

prices for 5 of us are very old but I can't seem to find any information on meals , refreshments etc which are included in price.

we are looking at leaving London at 10:55 am arriving at Singapore at 7:30 local time and then arriving at Perth at 2.40 pm after a 2 hr stop over

also are these times good for kids , I'm looking at leaving on a Thursday do arrive in Perth on Friday , hopefully having weekend to catch up on sleep


Any advise would be appreciated





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Guest guest17301

Hi Ian, we flew with Singapore and were well looked after, meals are standard fare, kids get a 'special' tray with kiddie stuff like chicken nuggets etc, a little muffin and a tube of smarties!! I ask you...who gives kids smarties in a confined space?? Drinks and snacks widely available all of the time...biscuits, sandwiches, etc. You wont go hungry or thirsty!


The flight times sound good, you'll get into Perth with a few hours to wind down have a quick look around maybe then fall exhausted into bed at a reasonably 'normal' time....if you get some sleep on the plane even better but I found as we had a morning flight that everyone was just too excited to sleep...we did stopover in Singapore for 12 hours though and our then 2 year old crashed as soon as we hit the hotel room.


Don't stress you'll be fine. Where will you be staying?

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That sounds like the flight we were on - on big double decker plane?


They constantly throw food at you, and it is completely yummy. If you look on the website it will tell you what special meals you can request - from a very very very long list - if you want something for religious/allergy etc reasons - http://www.singaporeair.com/en_UK/flying-with-us/specialmeals/ - and there isn't any shortage of food really either - I seem to remember on my booking it told me what meals exactly we would get, if you log on using your reference etc. Its a full service airline, so basically all food, drink and booze are included in ticket price (I guess not booze for children's tickets though!). I seem to remember there generally was a Western and an Eastern choice for each meal, as well as the usual 'chicken or beef' thing - so roast chicken, beef stew or chicken chow mein type choices.


If you want to sleep, at least on our flight, you MUST use the 'do not disturb' sticker, as they kept waking people up all around us to see if they wanted any food/water/drink even when it wasn't strictly food service time. I think there are snacks in the gallies you can get if you are peckish between services as well, things like fruit and crisps etc.


There is a website out there that people take photos of the food they had on various airlines etc and post them up so you can have a look at that as well (the photos generally aren't brill though). Here you go - don't know if there is anything recent on there - http://www.airlinemeals.net/index.php


Hope you have a lovely flight, we thought Singapore airlines were fab, very very attentive and polite, a joy to fly with (apart from the old trout who checked us in at Heathrow - all the Asian girls were super lovely though, on the plane and at Singapore).

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Thank you Fiona

friends of ours who live in settlers hills , Baldivis have insisted that we sty with them.( save us loads of $$$$ though)

i was concerned as there are 5 of us , kids stress me out let alone staying in someone else's home .

we will be looking at living either secret harbor area or around wanneroo / NOR

im a plumber so it all depends on work offers.

we have never even set foot in Australia so it's very scary and daunting , I'm giving up 11 years of my own plumbing business to make the move ( crazy)

where are you living , any tips would be appreciated


Thanks again



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That sounds like the flight we were on - on big double decker plane?


They constantly throw food at you, and it is completely yummy. If you look on the website it will tell you what special meals you can request - from a very very very long list - if you want something for religious/allergy etc reasons - http://www.singaporeair.com/en_UK/flying-with-us/specialmeals/ - and there isn't any shortage of food really either - I seem to remember on my booking it told me what meals exactly we would get, if you log on using your reference etc. Its a full service airline, so basically all food, drink and booze are included in ticket price (I guess not booze for children's tickets though!). I seem to remember there generally was a Western and an Eastern choice for each meal, as well as the usual 'chicken or beef' thing - so roast chicken, beef stew or chicken chow mein type choices.


If you want to sleep, at least on our flight, you MUST use the 'do not disturb' sticker, as they kept waking people up all around us to see if they wanted any food/water/drink even when it wasn't strictly food service time. I think there are snacks in the gallies you can get if you are peckish between services as well, things like fruit and crisps etc.


There is a website out there that people take photos of the food they had on various airlines etc and post them up so you can have a look at that as well (the photos generally aren't brill though). Here you go - don't know if there is anything recent on there - http://www.airlinemeals.net/index.php


Hope you have a lovely flight, we thought Singapore airlines were fab, very very attentive and polite, a joy to fly with (apart from the old trout who checked us in at Heathrow - all the Asian girls were super lovely though, on the plane and at Singapore).



sleep on a plane , the thought would be nice !!!!!

thank you

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