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Arriving in Perth October 10th - too early to start applying for jobs?


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9 weeks left til my arrvial in Oz and I would like to have a job, or at least some interviews, pre-arranged before I arrive.

I have a 176 visa and will be looking for work in Construction management (residential).

Is it too early to start sending out my CV at this stage?


Am interested to hear peoples experiences or it would be great to hear from anyone working in recruitment.

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There is no harm in getting your CVs out there but it does seem very difficult to even get a response until your here in the country, especially applying via e-mail ,,but ,, you only need one person to say yes so its got to be worth a go. Just dont get disheartened if you dont have a massive response.


Good Luck and i hope you can line something up

Cal x

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Based on my experience - Start early! It took me 3 months to get a job. There's no guarantee if you start early (I actually did) that it'd make a difference but at least your giving yourself the best chance possible. I also found the agencies rubbish, call you in for an interview & then you hear nothing even though they advertise suitable jobs. they are not on commission like the UK & will only put you forward if you 100% match the criteria - they don't think about transferable skills. They job I got I applied for 2 months before they interviewed me. However I know people who have also walked off the plane & got a job in a week!! It's just luck!! Good luck!!

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Based on my experience - Start early! It took me 3 months to get a job. There's no guarantee if you start early (I actually did) that it'd make a difference but at least your giving yourself the best chance possible. I also found the agencies rubbish, call you in for an interview & then you hear nothing even though they advertise suitable jobs. they are not on commission like the UK & will only put you forward if you 100% match the criteria - they don't think about transferable skills. They job I got I applied for 2 months before they interviewed me. However I know people who have also walked off the plane & got a job in a week!! It's just luck!! Good luck!!


Im glad i read this post, i though it was just me!. Im looking for admin work in Perth. I have over 25yrs experience the last 11 being with the nhs. Decided that the agencies would be a good place to start but to be truthful they have made me feel pretty worthless and over the hill. Havent been made to feel i have any transferable skills at all. Never used an agency back in the uk so dont know if they are better or worse

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Hi how long have you been looking? It is frustrating - I bloomin know I hated not working I've always worked!! Try jobs.wa.gov.au that's where I got mine from. The applications are long for some (like an essay) but it gives you a chance to show your transferable skills. Plus the jobs don't get advertised on Seek so they get less applicants. They are slow though it took 2 months for them to interview me. I think a lot of people in Perth are small minded ESP with us pommies as they don't recognise the companies we've worked for or the job titles. Just my opinion tho!

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The one thing I've noticed is that an awful lot of companies advertise and recruit by themselves without the help of an agency, which is in contrast to the recruitment process this side of the pond where companies almost always use an agency.

This is good to know, as it cuts out the middle-man so to speak. And youre right sarab, I always find that recruitment agents have a very 'tick-the-box' type approach when vetting suitable candidates and dont always consider transferrable skills, which in my view doesnt necessarily guarantee finding the best candidate.


I suppose I've nothing to lose by sending out my CV anyway, even if it's a little early. Another thing I've noticed is that a lot of positions seem to stay open for a considerably long period of time, so you never know, maybe there will be some companies out there who are prepared to make a job offer in advance.

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I'd definitely give it a go, you could speculatively send your cv to companies & also apply for roles. I offered to speak to people on Skype although I didn't get the opportunity to. If you are on the skills list you might get lucky if they are struggling to fill the role. Good luck!!

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