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Canberra - Private vs State Schools


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I have been reading that in Canberra 50% of children go to private schools. Are the State schools particularly poor there? Some people have told me there is little difference in Australia between state and private schools, but I wonder if anyone on the ground in Canberra and the surrounds can give me an opinion?


Secondly, is there any benefit in sending a child to a state primary and then a private secondary, other than saving money, or should they go to one or the other the whole way through?


My kids are not of school age yet (3 and 19 months), so I am just starting to consider future options.


Many thanks



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I think the fact that 50% of kids go to private schools in Canberra is more of an indicator of the number of parents who either are in a position to afford the fees / or are in Canberra on temporary contracts with their companies paying the kids education.

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Ig you can afford it I would send your kids to governemnt Primary (a good one though) and private high school - but then I would say the same being back in the UK. there are a few good high school here in Canberra and I do think Peach is right in that 50% send their kids to the private sector because of the demographic here. There are good government schools and good private school - as there are poor ones. Best advice I can give is to visit them which is what I did. Janet gave you the link :-) Thanks janet!

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