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yeppie! my dog is flying out on the 2nd week of august!!


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After a very stressful last few months arranging to move and organising tests etc for Kaya (our dog) im very excited to say that she will be flying out soon having used the wonderful petairuk.


We arrived five weeks ago to arrange housing etc before she arrived - many agents turned us away straight away as we had a pet but L J Hooker found us a property very quickly and we took the first one they showed us.......the house is not that wonderful (it has everything u need - 3 bed bungalow) but it has a massive garden!!


The least we can do for Kaya having put her through the flight and her 30 days in quarantine (which im very worried about).


Fingers crossed all will be ok and she arrives safe and sound very soon!!


Im getting excited too see her!!

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Great news!

It can be quite tricky finding a rental with a dog, anyone would think we were asking to have Satan move in ... not fair, I remember when I first arrived here, I spent days trawling around from agent to agent, in the end I ended up near to tears in one.


We are clean and caring people, and would not live in a hovel but somehow the assumption can be because you have a dog you are going to let them run wild and wreck the place, it is quite the reverse for us, even our neighbours comment on how nice we have the house .......


So pleased for you all, hope your dog has a great trip, will be thinking of her :hug:

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mean´t to say the quarantine looked after our dog really well, you should have no worries at all. If you are close by you can pop into see her .... we were a long way away, ours stayed in Sydney and the girls there were fantastic, I called them two or three times a week and they were always pleasant and knew all about our little dog who they had nicknamed the ADD dog :wink: They kept on telling us how she liked her treats and cuddles, they are very good, please try not to worry, the main thing is Kaya is coming and you have found a home suitable for her, the quarantine will pass quickly, even though it doesn´t feel it at the time :hug:

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