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Contacting DIAC (no response!)


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Hi guys,


Just wondering if others have had a similar experience, or if it's just me.


A couple of weeks ago, the DIAC (Team 4) requested medicals and a couple other docs. The problem with the medicals is that they haven't included the kids on the request, so only my wife and I can get the checks done!


Anyway, I wrote to the DIAC well over a week ago. After 7 days, I wrote a follow-up e-mail. I've yet to receive an answer to either message. (I'd previously sent another e-mail, to which they replied within 24 hours.)


I've written a third time this morning. I think, if I don't get a response by tomorrow morning, I'll give them a call. I'm just a little upset at the lack of response. I can't imagine it's a big job to add the kids to the medical database.


In others' experience, do they normally reply promptly? The auto-e-mail response says they'll answer within 7 working days.




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If you are calling the clinic and they cant see the children on their system - you need to login to your online account and open and download all documents (fomrs 26 and 160) for each person against medicals - message. Each form has the idividual names printed at bottom and numbers.


By doing this it will let the clinic see all applicants on their system

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Thanks for those responses! I'll give those things a try now. :)


EDIT: I say that, but I just checked the e-mail I'm using for this, and the DIAC has finally responded, so now I have the request ID numbers. (Apparently, the Spire didn't know I should have separate numbers for them; they told me they should be included in the one application. Oh well!)


In other news, on checking my document checklist, I've just noticed that it says "further checking required" for my wife's IELTS results. Why would that be? It wasn't mentioned in the e-mail they sent when we were first assigned a CO.

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Guest atadata


I had the same issue so emailed health strategies who provided individual health ID request numbers for the kids. They did this within a day or two. Drop them an email but fully explain the situation. health.strategies@immi.gov.au

Once we had the numbers we were able to book the meds.


Good luck.


Had a similar situation - the kid born while waiting for CO could not be located by TRN. The case officer suggested e-mailing health.strategies@immi.gov.au. I did (with all details, as smithinoz suggested) and the issue was resolved in - just checked - 12 minutes. They provided a health request id for the newborn and i could immediately book a health check.

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I assume you sent a copy of your IELTS results yeah?



Thanks for those responses! I'll give those things a try now. :)


EDIT: I say that, but I just checked the e-mail I'm using for this, and the DIAC has finally responded, so now I have the request ID numbers. (Apparently, the Spire didn't know I should have separate numbers for them; they told me they should be included in the one application. Oh well!)


In other news, on checking my document checklist, I've just noticed that it says "further checking required" for my wife's IELTS results. Why would that be? It wasn't mentioned in the e-mail they sent when we were first assigned a CO.

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I assume you sent a copy of your IELTS results yeah?

Yep! I assume it's sorted; as I say, it wasn't mentioned in the initial e-mail I received.


The police checks are also listed as outstanding. Those were requested in the initial e-mail, but I've confirmed that that was an "administrative error", and they have been accepted. So the "document checklist" obviously doesn't always match reality (or get updated to do so).


As for medicals, they're now booked for 3rd July. That's the last outstanding submission. :)

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Guest jaycris

I am in the same situation... I need a request from DIAC for me to request a police clearance in Singapore... no word from them and I am getting panicky.


Also, I am confused with writing e-mails to them... there's a rule that says you need to put your TRN, your DOB and your case officer everytime you write them but then the first one I managed to send was answered by Case Officer (with a changed e-mail subject and everything - does not include all the necessary information though)


so now whenever I try to contact my CO, i write two e-mails, one separately with the required info, and the other, just a reply to the last e-mail she sent.


I am very confused because I dunno which one is correct... and panicky because I get no replies to both e-mails.



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I've got the same administration problem.

My wife and 3 kids medicals state finalised while mine is still at required stage.

on 1st seeing this I called the hospital and they told me all had been uploaded there end. Our agent said DIAC site is oly as good as the person editing it.

our last update on it was on 8 th June , had police checks sent since then.

all my list of ielts, birth cert etc all remain required and they've had them since end of march



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Ian: I'm glad (in a way) to hear that it's "common" for the "document checklist" page to be out of sync with reality. (It would be better if it were always in sync (or only out of sync in exceptional circumstances), but at least this means we shouldn't worry too much about documents apparently not having been received/accepted.)


jaycris: The two times I've managed to get a response from the DIAC was by replying to the very first e-mail I received from them. (I didn't get any response when I replied to subsequent messages -- which had some stuff appended to the Subject line -- but whether or not that was a coincidence, I've no idea.)


If you're not getting any response after more than seven working days, consider calling them. The phone number (from the UK) is: 0061 1300 364 613. (Note: I haven't had to call them myself, but I believe this information is correct.)




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