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Job Hunting in Canberra


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As part of my visa application I had to provide evidence that there were a number of jobs that I could apply for. So I did my due dilligence and saw that there were a number of jobs that I could apply for, although some weren't necessarily the same as what I'm doing at present (I'm currently working as a PMO Manager). I'm now due to fly to Aus in the next few weeks and although there seems to be the same number of jobs around, I am struggling to find one that doesn't require me to be an Australian citizen.


I did think that I would more than likely end up in a Government job, but all jobs that I'm qualified to do seem to require me to be a citizen. Can permanent residents get govt jobs? I'm beginning to wonder whether I researched the jobs well enough last year when I was providing my evidence ...

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You will find that most, if not all, Government roles will require applicants to hold citizenship. As such, Canberra can be a tough place for those without citizenship to get jobs. PR status isn't enough.


However, there are non-Govt roles around as well - just not as many. You should do the rounds of the recruitment agencies when you get here.

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With PR you can apply for ACT government positions which might be your next best bet - http://www.jobs.act.gov.au/ but it will be a fiercely competitive market place. Other than that, check out the Canberra Times on Saturdays and visit as many agencies as you find you have boot leather. Be prepared for short term contracts in the initial phases. In answer to your question, no you probably didnt research well enough as it is well known that APS positions are for citizens unless there is a total lack of local talent to fill the positions.

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Thanks both for the advice; I will certainly do what you've both suggested.


I was begining to wonder what ACT's rationale was for sponsor someone like me, when their job market predominently comprises of jobs for the Australian government, which means I can't apply for the majority of vacancies until I've become or are in the process of becoming a citizen. Even the private companies seem to have the same condition, because they have connections with the government.


I'm not trying to complain here, as I am grateful for my visa. I am just keen to understand...

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Thanks both for the advice; I will certainly do what you've both suggested.


I was begining to wonder what ACT's rationale was for sponsor someone like me, when their job market predominently comprises of jobs for the Australian government, which means I can't apply for the majority of vacancies until I've become or are in the process of becoming a citizen. Even the private companies seem to have the same condition, because they have connections with the government.


I'm not trying to complain here, as I am grateful for my visa. I am just keen to understand...


The immigration list is usually well behind any possible vacancies and ACT had a bit of empire building going on. I dont think they have really thought it out at all TBH

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