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Visa/medicare catch-22 for new baby born in Oz to parents on 457 visa


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We are all on 457s and I have a new baby born here. We have her British passport already. We are trying to get her 457 visa sorted out so she doesn't get refused entry to Australia when we come back from our holiday in the UK.


The immigration agent is asking for proof that she is on our private health insurance. We don't have private health insurance, we just use our Medicare cards.


But I haven't sorted out her Medicare cover yet - and I notice that to do that we have to have proof of her visa!


Someone else must have been in this situation before!! How can I sort out one without the other? Or do I just have to buy her (expensive, pointless) private healthcare insurance in order to get the visa?

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It was my understanding that children of temporary visa holders born in Australia automatically assume the same visa as the parent. Which would seem to mean the immigration officer you spoke to is talking rubbish. Unfortunately I don't have a link to this, it is just what I have previously read. Hopefully someone more helpful than I will be along shortly.

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Guest The Pom Queen

You could always take the insurance out monthly and then cancel once you arrive and have Medicare set up.

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Moving to Melbourne - we are already in Australia!


Yes I've heard that she automatically gets the same visa as us too. In fact I found the relevant section of the immigration law.


Here it is:




So I suppose the visa should come first - but do I just walk into a DIAC office and ask them to do it, or will I have to fill in loads of forms like the guy is asking us to do?

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Yes, having a medicare card satisfies the 8501 condition, but to get a medicare card you need proof of your visa. Hence the catch-22 in my thread title.


I'm going to try going into the Medicare office tomorrow and see if they will do it without proof of the visa. It seems easier than trying to go to DIAC and get the visa granted automatically. Someone on another forum said DIAC won't talk to you directly if you've appointed a migration agent anyway (which pisses me off more than a little).


I guess if we can't do it that way we might have to get insurance and then cancel it. That also pisses me off because the insurance they offer to 457 visa holders only covers the same things that we get from the reciprocal agreement anyway.

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Update just in case anyone else is in the same situation as us - all they asked for at the Medicare office was her passport and her birth certificate. So getting her added to our card was no problem.

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