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Documented experience to claim points


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Hi all,


after receiving a positive assessment from VETASSESS, after getting the result I needed for IELTS, it's time to lodge the application for 175 visa by the end of June.

My migration agent has just congratulated me for my IELTS results today, and now he's on hurry to do everything in the next 4-5 weeks.


My point test is as follow:


37 years old: --------------------> 25 points

Bachelor Degree in Engineering: ---> 15 points

8 years of experience: ------------> 15 points

7.5 8.5 8.0 8.0: -------------------> 10 points


total: 65 points.


My question is regarding working experience.

Everything is well documented with my current Company, which I joined on October 1st 2004. (7 years and 8 months).


Previously I worked for another Company not exactly in my occupation (OH&S Advisor); I have evidences that I acted as OH&S advisor and this is included in my former Company's reference letter, but to be honest I also performed several other tasks not related to OH&S.


The years of experience should be assessed by the CO, right?


Is it reasonable not to worry about, considering the time to lodge the application (end of June) and the time I will be assigned a CO (4-6months)?

By that time we should already be at least in October....when I will have 100% evidences of working experience in my occupation.


Thanks in advance for any reply, I hope I won't need 5 extra points! (in that case I would apply for a SS)....



P.S. Don't tell me to resit IELTS for the 4th time! I don't deserve the results I got, four 7 is all I can get now (and what I failed in my first two attempts!).

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me and my husband are in similar situation. If I were you I would apply for SS just to be on the safe side ( you don`t want your application refused and almost 3000 $ gone). You can run your previous experience by migration agent or email DIAC ( not sure though if they will be able to give you a specific answer) or take it to immigration lawyer if you`re prepared to pay for it.

Good luck:wubclub:


P.S. Did your assessment agency indicate how many years of experience are you eligible for?

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Hi Maruska,


I didn't see the VETASSESS formal response, I was just notified by my migration agent about the positive outcome, he's keeping everything in Sydney.

I'll ask him about the best thing to do.

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Hi Maruska,


I didn't see the VETASSESS formal response, I was just notified by my migration agent about the positive outcome, he's keeping everything in Sydney.

I'll ask him about the best thing to do.


I just asked a question how does the assessment paper actually look like on another forum. I got reply that they can VOICE OPINION to DIAC as for how much experience years were assessed but it`s ultimately DIAC who awards the points. I hope someone who`s been through will come along and help:biggrin:

.Your migration agent should be familiar with the process . Good luck!

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Yes, a friend of mine has been granted the 475 visa and in the VETASSESS response he was assessed as 5 years of expereince.

The case officer, instead, gave him 8 years (which he actually had).


Well, I don't think I'll be likely to receive a CO before September lodging a 175 visa at the end of June, however I will consider this issue with my migration agent.

In any case, I have some sort of proof I acted also as OH&S Advisor before October 2004....



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Mmm...ok, I need a SS then, in order to be 100% sure...


It depends how they will interpret my professional experience when I worked for my former company...


As a guideline I think it's worthwhile taking a look at what VETASSESS reported in the formal assessment.

I'll ask my migration agent to understand what is the best course of action.



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I checked on the DIAC website, finding the following:




Generally, applicants will be able to request an opinion about their skilled employment claims from the relevant assessing authority when seeking their skills assessment. For further information about this process, applicants should contact the relevant assessing authority.


The decision to award points for skilled employment remains with of the departmental case officer.




Soo...mmm...I think my migration agent will clarify this issue, together with what has been written by VETASSESS in my skill assessment.

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"In the 10 years immediately prior to lodging your application you have been

employed outside Australia in your nominated skilled occupation or a closely

related skilled occupation, for a period totalling at least 96 months (8 years)." http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/booklets/1119.pdf page 22




"Part 6C.3 Overseas employment experience qualifications

[TABLE=width: 492]


[TH]Column 1



[TH]Column 2

The applicant has been employed outside Australia ...


[TH]Column 3

No. of points





[TABLE=width: 492]




(a) the applicant’s nominated skilled occupation; or

(b) a closely related skilled occupation;

for a period totalling at least 96 months in the 10 years immediately before the day on which the application was made" Migration Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 3)1 page 14




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thanks for that.


I contacted yesterday my Migration Agent and I'm waiting for a reply.


So, at the moment of the application (late June 2012) I will have 7 years and 9 months of experience (from Oct 2004 to June 2012) with my current Company, acting at 100% in my Nominated Occupation.

Previously, between Dec 2002 and Sept 2004, I was acting in my nominated Occupation for the 50%, around 20 hours per week.

Hope this will be enough to claim 15 points.


It will be interesting to know what VETASSESS has calculated, if only my Migration Agent sent me the formal letter...

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