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first x mas away from home


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I think it will depend on your set up. If you are migrating with family, travelling on a WHV and wanting to party or something else.


I have spent many Christmas times away from the UK and they've all be great. I embraced the countries I was in, got into their festive spirit and enjoyed them immensely. So much so some of the little traditions they had in them I've kept and now have in our UK Christmas. That was as a single woman and now I've a family so its changed again. I certainly was never lonely or miserable being away from the UK at that time of year.


It will be strange to have a hot Christmas and not have the long winter nights and so on. But tbh, its more about who I am with and why rather than where. Many people go away to warmer climes for Christmas and New Year now.


We make sure to Skype with family in Aus all over the Christmas break. Christmas day the connection can be poor as so many people are online using Skype. We tend to Skype Xmas eve and then perhaps Boxing day, and just lounge around, natter, let the kids show their presents and so on, and try to make it a more casual chit chat. We take it in turns to natter at the computer in between making a cuppa or cooking a meal and so on. People stop by also (in Aus household) and chat to us in the UK and vice versa. Its all good.

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My hubby struggles with a warm Christmas .. if you could transport him somewhere cold for 2 days he'd be as happy as a pig in muck, me, I've loved it, I love how relaxed Xmas day has become, I love not having to drag the kids out to visit people. We've had relatives at Christmas a few times and for the last couple of years we've had friends round on boxing day - but they'll be in the UK this year, so looks like a trip to the beach perhaps?

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We arrived in the county just a few weeks before Christmas so had no furniture. We bought a HUGE Christmas tree (best one we've ever had!) All we had in our living room was a TV and tree ha ha. I wasn't looking forward to Christmas, being away from our families and friends. Christmas doesn't seem to be such a big deal over here so there wasn't the chaos that I'm used to back in the UK. We have a 10 and 8 yr old too.


We are lucky, we have friends living in Manly so they kindly invited us to spend Christmas with them. We opened the presents which Santa had left on Christmas morning then went to Fairlight Beach and had a picnic, it was a glorious day considering all the rain we had had leading up to the big day. We had the traditional roast in the evening then skyped our families.


Although I was dreading it, it was a really nice day - obviously it felt strange but it was nice and we still got to see our families.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I have to admit our first Christmas here was the only time I ever felt home sick. I've been fine every other year.

You will find in Melbourne there are usually a group of new arrivals who get together for a BBQ on the beach which is nice.

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