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Right, 12 months before leaving what should we buy now in order to ship over?


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AJ thank you. So do they let you have a certain amount without ever checking your levels? Do you just go by how you feel? My GP is a pain and will only raise my thyroxine in 25 mgs increments and you have to wait 6 months before he will let you have more. Am still not in the zone where I feel my levels are okay (and despite eating a mars bar every day am still putting on weight:cute:)



The one I went to just went on what I was taking here. After 6 months I had a blood test then. Just say you havent had it tested for a while and ask for one if you dont think your taking enough, or why dont you get it tested here before you go.

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AJ I think they are hesitant to give me too much. My levels are always bordering on okay (about 3.5) but I feel rubbish. I have seen loads of studies that say we should aim for about 2 but Gp likes me try little increments. He said it takes at least 3 months for extra thyroxine to become absorbed hence wanting to wiat 6 months each time (3 months for levels to stabilise and then three months to see if I feel better). I am on 100 mg a day now having started at 25... I was so excited when I found out about my throid problem (hangs head in shame) as I thought Iwas going to get really skinny and be bouncing with pent up energy. then GP gives me a good stare and says 'no thats over active, yours is... slow, very under active'. Typical the one medical thing I get stuck with and I have to be the Forest Gump of thyroid capacity!


Can anyone give me a car to start looking at to buy (Thank you pintpot: German is BMW and two years old so steepest depriciation is done) but what model, what extras? Please help I still reply to 'what car do you have' by saying 'a black one'!!!

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Can anyone give me a car to start looking at to buy (Thank you pintpot: German is BMW and two years old so steepest depriciation is done) but what model, what extras? Please help I still reply to 'what car do you have' by saying 'a black one'!!!

Try Iron Chef.... he runs an import firm and did a calc for me on my A4 Convertible. He scores it to determine if its a good import or not. So from his peat experiences he may be to offer a range of cars / makes to go for... I like the Jaguar XF!

His has sticky threads at the top of the shipping page.


I was going to take my A4 (it worked out about equal as its done a few miles and a 2005 model) but opted not to as i may need a ute / big number to assist with inital move and lugging bits and bats of goods (prob bulky) for moving about etc in my new gaffs. Besides the leather seats would burn a hole in my boardies!!!

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Any designer brands would be cheaper to buy overseas rather than Aus, so depends if you particularly care. This goes for clothes, shoes, handbags etc.

For your car and BMW (estate I believe from the other thread), I would choose a large capacity petrol engined model like a 335i (rare) or 330i Msport, diesels aren't as popular as i the UK but it's beginning to change. Extras like leather, professional Sat Nav would help resale (you can 'get' Australian maps DVD to replace UK maps). If you like the bigger 5 series, that would probably be worth more later. You can get a stonking M5 estate for your budget although a few years older. Also be aware that running costs will be higher for your BMW, like in the UK but more so in Aus, especially so if you go for the M5, believe me as I have one. All my opinion but something to think about and research the prices.

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