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Help! Getting Married In Brisbane (Overseas Partner)

Miss Swan

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I just read through this website:



One part states:

"To comply with all of the legal requirements of the Notice of Intended Marriage, your celebrant must sight the following documents:


- evidence of the date and place of birth (birth certificate) of both partners (for people born outside Australia, a current passport is also required)"


Now the problem is, I'm not in Australia right now. The plan is for my fiance to file the NOIM with the marriage celebrant, and closer to the marriage date I'll fly over and we get married. That was before I saw the above requirement.


I'm so confused right now. It appears to indicate that I have to be with my fiance in person to produce my original passport and I can't do that since I'm overseas (unless we are talking about fedexing my passport over, which is extremely risky and I really don't want to do that).


Has anyone tried applying/booking for marriage in Brisbane/Oz while the partner is overseas? How do I get pass this hurdle? I'm getting quite frustrated at this point as my partner and I really want to take one step forward towards our 4.5 year dream of being together and I'm hitting roadblocks at almost every juncture frown.gif

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I'm getting married in Melbourne in October this year. My PMV is due to be granted in August and I plan to fly out as soon as it's granted. Have you booked your celebrant already? My partner (lives in Melbourne) has booked and paid for ours. The celebrant has said not to worry about the formalities until I get there. It might be worth talking to your Celebrant about this to put you at ease, but I know for us, me not being there until mid to late August is not a problem.


Hope this helps



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I am in the UK, my fiance is Aus and he filled the form in and sent it to our celebrant. The celebrant has filled it in based on a scan of my passport and birth cert (converted into PDF) that was emailed to her. That is sufficient for her to do what she needs to do until i arrive :) so maybe your celebrant will be able to accept the same :)

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I am so relieved! The QLD registry website happens to have a webchat and the person attending to me over the webchat sent me an email with all the information. I do not have to be there in person, nor provide my original passport. All I need is to send over a notarised copy :)

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