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Melbourne meet up anyone?

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My name is Sian 29 yr old female who has just moved to australia on a skilled migration visa

living in Brunswick west, Melbourne I would love to meet people in similar situation for sightseeing, coffee, nights out


if you are interested please reply

Thank you

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There is a meet up arranged by member Mr and Mrs Smith, here are the details.





Date - 3rd June 2012

Location - Republica, St kilda

Time - 2-5pm

Meet point - In the courtyard at the back on the left (near the kitesurfing shop).


Now i am trying to make this as low maitenance as possible so do not worry about posting on here just turn up on the day and have fun. If you do have a question please feel free to message me.


If it goes well then i will organise it once a month.


Thanks and look forward to meeting you there.




P.S - i will also post this in the socializing forum


Have a look at the thread its in the social section and then you can add your name to it.


Good luck

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Thank you for the information :)

oh no I can't make the 3rd June :(


Im hoping there is another meet or that there are people interested in meeting up as I'm feeling kinda lonely here in oz


Perhaps make your self known to the people who are going then you can arrange separate meet ups. Don't be shy :ssign15:

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Hiya Sianl555,


My OH & I don't arrive for another month but I would be interested in getting together if you're still looking then! :) I'm 27 & hubby is 30. He starts work 3 days after we land & as I don't yet have any work lined up, I'm going to be spending my time finding a long term rental & hopefully arranging interviews :-S


Hope the meet ups continue Petals so we can attend the next one :)


Kayleigh x

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Guest shaunh

Hey Sian, Im male 28 from West Brunwick also.

So would be good to meet up also if you want for coffee?

I have been here for 4 months & am from the UK.





My name is Sian 29 yr old female who has just moved to australia on a skilled migration visa

living in Brunswick west, Melbourne I would love to meet people in similar situation for sightseeing, coffee, nights out


if you are interested please reply

Thank you

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Guest tappy20

Oh goodie!! I'm arriving in Melbourne on the 10th and so scared!! Would love to meet fellow poms...any nurses on here??

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Hi Sian! I've been in Melbourne about 6 weeks and only just got around to organising my social life! Happy to meet up. I'm based in Elwood but could easily meet in the city for a drink after work. Let me know, Jo xx

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Hey Sian, & Jo, and anybody else - I'd be up for a metup anytime for a coffee or the like, I've been here 6 months and defo wanting to stay! I prefer meeting in small groups rather than the big arranged events, don't think you really get to know people that way. If anybody ever fancies meting up feel free to PM me :)

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Guest bradders

Hey Sian


How are you enjoying Melbourne? I've been here for about 4 weeks now, I'm also 29 from the UK living in Brunswick. Always happy to make new friends, let me know if you want to meet up.


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Guest MandsBells

Hey Sian,


I've just moved here too from travelling and living in Sydney for 3 months. Also staying around that area. Currently looking for work and sponsership (eek) I'm 28 and orginally from London.


drop me an email amandasarahbellers@hotmail.co.uk



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Hi Sian

I am in Prahran, 31 years old, here with my boyfriend and originally from Manchester. Not really into the big meet ups but would be happy to do coffee sometime!

Just private message x


A fellow Manc!!!!


My OH and I move out on 12th Aug (both 34) so would be cool to catch up with a few people. I'll keep an eye on any future meet ups but also keen to meetup in smaller numbers.


Very exciting!!!!

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I'll be at the Republica on Sunday afternoon. I have just moved to Melbourne from the UK and been here nearly 2 months now. Spent much of that time in training with work so now its time to focus on my social scene and enjoy more of what Melbourne has to offer. Im male 44 so hope to meet some like minded folk to have a laugh with. Just one question, if anyone is in the Republica on Sunday how will i know who you are?

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Guest vixen29

hey everyone,


I am in South Yarra (originally from Scotland) and have been here a little while now but looking for a bigger social life too! Happy to meet up with some/ all. Get in touch!



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