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Get really disconcerted/scared/anxious when reading the threads about living costs and jobs in Australia or is it just me?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still really excited about upping sticks and moving to the land down under but after reading some of these threads I’m getting more and more scared that I’ll end up jobless and penniless and generally worse off than I am here.

In some ways I know I shouldn’t worry so much because I have family over there (my in-laws) but I don’t want to have to rely on them for handouts or support.

I’m moving to Australia primarily to be with my husband but also because I want to have a better life for myself, my husband and any possible children we may have in the distant future but also to hopefully find a better paid job than I have currently but reading some of the posts in these threads makes me doubt whether that’s just wishful thinking.

Was just wondering if there’s anyone else out there who feels the same/similar?

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Well at least you are being realistic and you are not going to be shocked by the prices. Regarding jobs and salary, well I suppose that depends on what you do, but in general I think there are more jobs going over there than here at the moment.


Obviously you have concerns, its a massive move and there may be a few bumps along the road but you already know what they are.


Good Luck

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You are going to be shocked by the prices, I was certainly on my trip to Perth last month, but you will also be shocked by how much money you can earn. I certainly did not see wide spread poverty actually most people seemed pretty affluent. I have come to the conclusion that my pounds are not going to get me very far so the faster I start earning and thinking in dollars the better!

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Get really disconcerted/scared/anxious when reading the threads about living costs and jobs in Australia or is it just me?


Don’t get me wrong, I’m still really excited about upping sticks and moving to the land down under but after reading some of these threads I’m getting more and more scared that I’ll end up jobless and penniless and generally worse off than I am here.


In some ways I know I shouldn’t worry so much because I have family over there (my in-laws) but I don’t want to have to rely on them for handouts or support.


I’m moving to Australia primarily to be with my husband but also because I want to have a better life for myself, my husband and any possible children we may have in the distant future but also to hopefully find a better paid job than I have currently but reading some of the posts in these threads makes me doubt whether that’s just wishful thinking.


Was just wondering if there’s anyone else out there who feels the same/similar?


Anxious, tell me about it.... When OH got an offer of a job in Oz i though well best start researching. The more articles and posts i read the more my heart sank, to the point where everything was a negative and he ended up turning it down. Thats when i thought what on earth have we done that for, yes take the bad on board but there is plenty of good things being said. You just have to maybe look a bit deeper for them. Thankfully he then got another job offer and it s all systems go. My new motto is you only regret things that you dont do

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Hi anika

i know what u mean, sometimes all u can focus on is the negatives but the way we are looking at it is (were moving to Sydney in 4 weeks), we will adjust when we're there. If its a bit more expensive than what we thought we'll just cut our cloth according to our means and spend all day at the beach! I can see what you mean, sometimes it's easy to forget the reasons you wanted to go because all u can think of is chocolate being double the price. All I can say is that a lot of people live there comfortably so I wouldn't worry. We just can't wait for the experience and the change of lifestyle.

Hope all goes well for you,


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I think an awful lot is made of the potential cost of living etc and looking at the prices whilst you are in the uk may be a shock, but once over there earning $ i'm sure you'll soon become less anxious. I know a few people over there and once you get over the 'tourist' mentality of converting everything into ££ and you realise what you are earning in $$ it's much less of an issue than so many people make out. When i first went over and it was $2.6:£1 everything seemed soo cheap, now it doesn't but to the aussies its still the same price, and at least they get decent pay rises compared to us!


So much depends on your outlook aswell. If you want new flash cars all the time you better be prepared to pay for them, but all the people i know have moved and become less materialistic, which in my opinion is a good thing. if you end up jobless and penniless and homeless at least it will be warm!


And as they say, the best things in life are free and the people i know who have made the jump have ended up far from broke. I don't know your circumstances but as long as you are employable and not got some obscure occupation that will be useless out there then i'm sure you'll be fine.

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Thanks for all the re-assurances :-)


Oz Bound Pom: I work for an Investment Bank at the moment and I speak fluent German as well (which has always helped me find jobs in the UK, not so sure it will make much difference in Oz though) so I'm hoping that makes me fairly employable. I've done a few quick job searches and it looks like there are jobs similar to mine out there so fingers crossed :-)

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Guest sh7t man no way

its good research to know what your getting into--research can make you feel good or bad----the lack of research can make a fool of you--forearmed is forewarned

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Thanks for all the re-assurances :-)


Oz Bound Pom: I work for an Investment Bank at the moment and I speak fluent German as well (which has always helped me find jobs in the UK, not so sure it will make much difference in Oz though) so I'm hoping that makes me fairly employable. I've done a few quick job searches and it looks like there are jobs similar to mine out there so fingers crossed :-)


Investment Banking?? boo hiss! haha, no in all seriousness banking is international so it can't hurt to be multilingual, although how much banking you'll be doing with the eurozone remains to be seen!


good luck!

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Get really disconcerted/scared/anxious when reading the threads about living costs and jobs in Australia or is it just me?


Don’t get me wrong, I’m still really excited about upping sticks and moving to the land down under but after reading some of these threads I’m getting more and more scared that I’ll end up jobless and penniless and generally worse off than I am here.


In some ways I know I shouldn’t worry so much because I have family over there (my in-laws) but I don’t want to have to rely on them for handouts or support.


I’m moving to Australia primarily to be with my husband but also because I want to have a better life for myself, my husband and any possible children we may have in the distant future but also to hopefully find a better paid job than I have currently but reading some of the posts in these threads makes me doubt whether that’s just wishful thinking.


Was just wondering if there’s anyone else out there who feels the same/similar?

If you have planned everything other than the unknown then you will have no problem.
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Absolutely...I do worry about this more and more as not heading out there with a whole pile of dosh. I do have an employable job and hopefully OH will find a job too. The cost of living threads have actually pushed us into choosing Brisbane over Sydney. We loved Sydney and this is our first choice but we feel we will be struggling financially there with 2 kids . Brisbane get great reviews so will give it ago, but our hearts wander back to sydney loads......

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We who live here point out the bad points, that said there many good points too. What I try to do is be realistic with anything I say. Having lived here for nearly forty years know the ups and downs of how to live and survive in Aus. I worked in Sydney when I first arrived and found it easy to get jobs, when I moved to Melbourne found it harder as Victoria is a little different and parochial I found. That said got a job and have had many since and survived in work through the downturns so you have to be upbeat about it. Forewarned is forearmed in my view.


You are lucky that you have an Aus husband and his family and I am sure you will not have a problem. However when you first get here give yourself some time to look around the place and get your bearings etc.

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