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Calling all people who know MACs


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Guest jaffas1

I downloaded Sophos antivirus for mac, which is free if you google it. It seems to find malware every few weeks and is definitely worth it.

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I, for my sins, work in IT with macs and yes you do need anti-virus software. Whilst it is a popular myth that macs are immune to viruses and spyware it is simply not true. Apple always used to be a niche brand with relatively few users so weren't worth the effort,

now they are the top computer maker (in terms of sales) so have attracted the attention of hackers and virus writers. Over the last couple of months there have been a number of virus alerts for mac users, one of which had infected more than 500,000 machines. There are anti-virus applications available from all the major companies and some free ones too. I use this one at the moment, it is free


whatever one you choose get it installed and keep it up to date and you should have a very happy life with your mac!

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Guest Ptp113
Macs have everything built in already had my macbook 6yrs never had a problem and do not need virus software. If you get a virus Apple will send you a new machine..but this is not advertised...

Nice fantasy!!

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