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Tax File Number


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Yes, Hubbys was still valid from yearsss ago,, we didnt realise and applied when we moved here but they rang explaining he already had one and gave him the number over the phone. Might be worth calling them and seeing if they will give it you over the phone once your here, would save time and paperwork,lol


Cal x

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Guest melanie79

i looked into that myself. yeah the tfn is still the same. i couldnt find mine from when i was there on a working holiday visa in 2004, so rang my old employer who told me my tfn & that it will always remain the same.

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Guest Guest31881
We have not kept a note of ours as it was so long ago that we had them. How do you find out what they are. I am hoping this is one thing to cross off the list (if we get there!). Thanks.


Phone the tax office, they will normally tell you over the phone, and confirm by letter, That is what my wife did when she returned. :biggrin:

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