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Which Visa


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hi all i am looking to move out to Oz in the near future and am wondering which Visa to apply for. i am a Heavy Diesel Mechanic and am married with 2 children. I have heard that a lot of companies will sponsor you visa wise but im trying to be pro-active and sorting a visa out first before applying for positions to make myself more appealing to prospective employers. any help would be greatly appreciated





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It isn't really true that there are lots of companies that will sponsor, most will try to avoid sponsoring in fact. I have no idea whether sponsorship is perhaps more common in your occupation of course, there are occupations where it is easier to find sponsorship than in others.


So it is worth looking into skiled migration on www.immi.gov.au. The relevant visas are currently 475 / 175 / 176 but these numbers will change on 1st July, the new financial year. It will still give you a good idea of what it entails, diesel motor mechanic is on the skilled occupation list schedule one which is the best place to find your occupation. Next try a points test and see how you fare with that, you can located the points test by using the search function on the website I provided the link for.

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As a HD Mechanic, your trade is in huge demand in the mining sector.


Start finding companies to sponsor you, should be easy enough.


Skilled immigration is great as you get PR security, but will take time and expense. Where 457 Sponsorship will be quick and usually all relocation expenses will be paid for a trade such as yours.

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