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Patience of a Gnat


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cope isn't the right word. Survive is more apt..... my answer is realestate.co.au or carsales or general constant Google searches like : cinema near..... restaurants near..... hahaha think im going mental..


constant research, then you feel like your doing something.....


but yea cosign the comment above :D



it will come ............ eventually !!!!!

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Candygirl, I totally get your frustration, at first I told myself that I wouldn't let the VETASSESS assessment time bother me, and it worked! However, now that we have the assessment result, we are awaiting anxiously on our SS application which my migration agent promised us that he could get it in on Monday, but up til today, he's still filling in the form.... I'm just hoping that he will get it in by Friday! After all, he was the one emailing me on Friday telling me he needed all these documents, which I submitted on Friday night itself! However, he is a good agent though, a bit slow at first, but gets things done!


Waiting sucks though! I hear ya! I am "coping" by researching things I'd need to do here, like taking the cats to their vaccinations, researching areas to live, job prospects and TAFE courses for my husband... And being busy by finishing up doing the house!

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Guest asaandanirish

I don't cope.... Feel so frustrated especially since our medical results have somehow been delayed and no one in Manchester can seem to tell me why. The lady is "in a meeting" has been since 10 this morning and she'll probably ring about three... When its school pick up or something.... Anyway moan over...I'm so sick of waiting... But can't do anything else!

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Guest 2AussieBoys

I think I'm possibly the world's biggest control freak so the waiting is driving me insane - even waiting on my agent to reply to an email sends my blood pressure soaring. I got my Police Certs today and the numpties had put all my husband's details on mine, so I had to loads the kids into the car, drive down to them and get it re-done, aarrgggghhh.

I'm constantly on realestate.com.au finding my "dream home", looking up Naplan scores on schools and driving my agent batty from being constantly on her a**!!! Believe me, you are not alone!

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I have the patience of a gnat and am a "doer" rather than a "waiter" but this is getting ridiculous now. How does everyone else cope with the waiting?


I know exactly what you mean, I'm the most impatient person ever (must have something to do with being from Germany :-) ). I was told yesterday by my CO that my visa will be finalised in mid-August. I know that's only 3 months away but those 3 months will draaaag.


I don't really have much I can do beforehand either as I don't own a house and won't be taking any furniture with me, just a few personal items, which won't really require much in the way of shipping. Don't really want to look for somewhere to live yet either until either me or my husband have found a job, going to be staying with the in-laws to begin with anyway. Need to find a new hobby me thinks :-)

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