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For those of you already in QLD.....


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G'day! - we are now in Toowoomba and back in the UK promised our DD she could have guniea pigs for her birthday, ha ha!!! She hasnt forgotten and her birthday is 3 weeks away, the owner of the property we rent has said yes but I cant find a decent pet shop around Toowoomba that we can get the beasts from, any ideas anyone?? I was so lucky in the UK that they were healthy looking piggies in everyshop but its different over here :((


Thanks for any advice


H xx

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Well, I've never checked out the guinea pigs but have you tried the obvious places? There's Pet Barn in the Harvey Norman Centre in south Toowoomba (just off Ruthven Street. I've only been in there to get flea tablets for our dog but they seem to have a lot of stuff. Or, there's always Pets Galore (which mentions guinea pigs on their web site)--they're on Hodson Street (between Ruthven and Bowen) down by where WOW Sight and Sound used to be.


As I say, I've never bought animals at either but they might be worth a try.


Otherwise, maybe ring Herriot House vet surgery and see if they can recommend anything. They were really helpful to us last year when we had a scare with our dog being sick so they may be able to help with recommendations.


Good luck!

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