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Hi all,


Looking for some advice. Hubby and Istarted the visa Process 2 years ago but had to stop due to financial issues and a new baby. Since then, hubby has turned 40 and due to way we were applying, he's now not going to score enough points. I'm in a position to start a college course in whatever I want, in order o be able to apply once I'm qualified.


Would be open to suggestions of a fairly quick qualification, so I can get a job here ASAP in order to apply for a visa.

would love to apply for midwifery but the courses get so over subscribed, I'm not holding out much hope.

What other courses would you recommend?


Sorry I kmw Tisa random question, but I can't shake the dream of a move to oz. my aunt and uncle are Australian, and since our visit 10 years ago we have wanted to move, but things always happened. Now I feel it's now or never. And if I don't go for it now, we will never succeed in our dream


Thanks in advance

Kate x

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Maybe it is best to run your case past a registered migration agent. But there may be a way if your husband was able to score all 8's in the IELTS, and through regional State Sponsorship (of Family regional sponsored if your aunt & uncle live in regional australia.


There is really no quick course you can do to get to Australia - as there is changes every year to the processing. Maybe Nursing would be a good option since you were considering Midwifery. Nurses can usually get sponsored by an employer as well as GSM.

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Looks like we have another issue. Aunts address is Brisbane and she's not eligible to sponser by the look of it...


Are there any ways of buying a shop a d setting up own business as a way out?


K x


Yes if you have a spare half million $ lying around



Regional SS will give you 10 points.

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