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Medicals Required.


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I lodged my 175 Skilled Independent Visa application in October and am shocked to find that I have now been assigned a CO who is asking for medicals and police checks!!!!


Forgive me as I am still in panic mode..


With reference to the 'online health processing' system, how do you get to this ?

Is it something that the Medical people will do or do I have to set it up first ?

I will be contacting the medical people in Manchester tomorrow as this is the closest to me.


Any information on the above process would be much appreciated.




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Guest carrierbag

Hiya I'm a nurse so I had to have a medical and chest X-ray. If you go to the home page on immigration wedsite there is a page telling you who needs medicals and which medical tests you need. I had mine done at the Spire hospital the other week in Manchester and managed to get an apointment very quick. Hope this has helped a bit.

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If you open/download all forms from the check you online application bit, sometimes if you dont open the forms for each applicant the medical center cant see them on their system. Call and make an appointment at one of the Panel Doctors - you will need to give them your TRN number (passport no too?? cant remember now)


The medical centre will give you the rest of the details on what to do. But just need to take your passports to the appointments.

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Hi Martin


We went for our medicals yesterday, and was pretty panicky about it, but it was fine.

We are also going on a 175 visa.

They did



Urine sample

Chest xray

Blood test for HIV

Then we were poked and prodded by the doctor (no idea what he was looking for)

That was it.

In and out for both of us in about an hour and a half.


Also i checked on the online visa progress this morning and it was already updated saying medicals finalised!


The worst part of the whole experience was the cost!

But if thats what it takes we were more than willing to pay!



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Hi Lou


Thanks for letting me know.. Must admit, I am panicking too, just dont want to get my hopes up..

Sounds straight forward.. Just need to keep calm and not have my blood pressure go through the roof! haha


Yeah, the cost is a bit of a killer as is most of the visa process.. I have 2 little ones too, glad their medicals are only £80 odd each!

Thanks again for filling me in and good luck.. I guess you may know within a month or so?




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I lodged my 175 Skilled Independent Visa application in October and am shocked to find that I have now been assigned a CO who is asking for medicals and police checks!!!!


Forgive me as I am still in panic mode..


With reference to the 'online health processing' system, how do you get to this ?

Is it something that the Medical people will do or do I have to set it up first ?

I will be contacting the medical people in Manchester tomorrow as this is the closest to me.


Any information on the above process would be much appreciated.





Seems you are PG4 offshore and

you will get a lot of discussion regarding visa process, medicals etc at http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/138985-new-cat-4-july-1st-2011-part-3-a-174.html


And apps database @ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqEBgay7xfFvdEpQS2NMbTItV1o5bTctcE4wa1pVWHc#gid=1

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