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457 secondary applicant - sponsor's obligations?

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Hi all


I'm looking into jumping onto my boyfriend's 457 visa as a secondary applicant.


Now I've read that his sponsor needs to fill out a form which confirms that they take on all the obligations for me as well, is that correct? How am I gonna get them to do that?! Obviously they would not pay for all my travel, etc etc, and why should they?! Don't understand this at all...


Any advice?





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Hi Sarah, has your boyfriends nomination been approved yet?


When my hubby got a job offer, the company had to put a nomination in for him, I think it's to do with why they need someone from outside OZ, Myself and our son were added to the nomination too, they paid for this.


We didn't need medicals or police checks, I think it depends what you do job wise.


After we got the approval, I then did our visa's on line, which was quite easy to be honest, I'm not the brightest of people so I was amazed I did it.

We paid for our visa's which were only £235 for the 3 of us, was expecting more to be honest and we have paid for our own flights too, the best thing u could do is maybe email the company and explain u want to go and could they add u on, don't think it costs anymore.

If the company is paying for your partner, couldn't u pay for yourself.


The best thing is to ask


Hope this helps.


Whereabouts u goin ?


Kerry x

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Yes, my boyfriend has been working in Perth for nearly a year now. I've not been put on the initial nomination, cause at that time they only offered him a contracted job for half a year, which now has been extended to a few years.


Sure, I do wanna pay for myself, I wouldn't even want them to have any obligations towards me...However, it seems to be a necessity...


"it is not a given just because you are a couple that they will sponsor both." exactly! and why should they sponsor me?! I'm not an asset or anything to them, so where is this coming from?

I just don't understand how you would get a company to take on all these obligations towards somebody they don't need...they're not getting anything out of it, so why would they do it?

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The company needs to nominate you as a secondary applicant, to the main applicant.


Your b/f needs to ask them to also nominate you as you are his partner - but it is up to the company if they do that. On my 457 there was 2 people that worked there that there wife's and children were still in their home country as the employer did not nominate them on there 457 visa.


You also would need to prove that you are in a defacto relationship after you are nominated.

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I didnt know they could refuse partners and children, I'm so glad my husbands company added us on.


Hope they say yes to u Sarah especially if your willing to pay for yourself. I know a lot of company's do pay for everything but we didn't expect them to pay for me and my son as they want my husband not us but in the end we paid for our selfs anyway.


Hope everything works out for you. X

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The sponsor is responsible for the employee and any dependents and must pay the costs up to $10,000 per person for their removal from the country if they lose their job or go feral.


They would definitely have to agree to sponsor any dependents, thats why some employers are not intrested in families but are alright with singles on WHV.


btw like lebourvellac mentioned you will need to prove de-facto relationship of the last 6 months.

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