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Mark 11:24 kjv

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Everything posted by Mark 11:24 kjv

  1. Thanks mate. The turnover of the company was 1.2 mil ,there were couple of concerns/challenges that we faced for the nomination : 1) The Structure of the company 2) High Risk Industry 3) Genuine need of the position 4) How the position relate to the contribution of the company 2 MA were reluctant to take the case mentioning high chances of refusal deeming it as an application the DHA will scrutinise more closely. We had to argue that the role fits within the nature and scope of the business operations, but they were reluctant to help us because it will be more work for them i believe.
  2. Thank you so much Paul, even with our qualification, work experience and all the documentation we had some MA dint wanna take on our case as they believe we dint have a strong case especially on the company who is sponsoring us. Some personal and financial aspect were a concern for us as well. There's more i wish i could share but yea we are blessed. Thank you.
  3. Praise God we got out golden ticket today!!! Hey guys I have been a silent reader for almost 3 months now. I managed to find this forum while trying to gather more information and basically trying to get encouragement especially during this difficult time. Only we know how it feels to go through this stressful journey so thank you for sharing all the good news and encouraging us. It's been a challenging and difficult journey for my wife and I. But we just did our best to get things finalise via MA, prayed, kept our faith. We can finally have a peace of mind and officially call this beautiful country our home! I wanna support you guys as much as I can. If you have any questions do ask. Could also pray for you, PM Thank you Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
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