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Posts posted by LittleLadyJayne

  1. On 15/05/2021 at 07:25, Senfield said:

    Hi LittleLadyJayne,

    just come across your post, how similar our experiences are. Although, partner is not German, he lived in Germany prior to coming to Australia.

    As for for an update on how things are going! Well I have returned to Australia. I was so desperate to return to the UK, but on arriving back, nothing felt right. I was offered employment within days of arriving. Everything was falling into place but only on a practical level, emotionally I was feeling so lost. 
    After much deliberation I returned to Brisbane & I could not be happier. It was painful to leave my family but it would have been wrong to stay & feel so unhappy.

    I have no regrets on either of my decisions. I had to return home to find out what I really wanted. 

    feel free to pm 😊

    @SenfieldThank you so much for sharing 'what happened next'. I really appreciate hearing your story and knowing that Australia was the right choice in the end. It must feel good to know what was on the 'other side', and to have explored the grass is greener ideology. I think that's why I go through waves of confusion, and also knowing if I left at the current time, it would be very hard to get back due to COVID. Oh decisions decisions right! I know the UK has changed SO much, but I also know, just like your own experience, that the only way to know is to give it a go! 

    Thank you for the offer for me to pm you - I shall do so 🙂 

  2. @Senfield I have just come across your question and this thread. I find myself a few steps behind you but at a similar crossroads in life. I have been living out in Australia for close to 14 years and it was never my intention to stay forever... Over the years it became easier to stay, than move back, but the pull of home has been strong over the last 3 years. I have been living with my partner (who is German) for almost 2 years now in a country town outside of Melbourne. He has always said he won't move back and his home is now here. He's a good man, but I just can't imagine my life out here. Last week my Aunt died in the UK which has been unfathomably difficult and has bought the pull for home back with a vengeance. I know I'm the only one who can answer my question of what to do, but it's comforting in some ways that others like yourself have gone through this decision. I would love to know how you are and how the move back to the UK went? If you have any regrets or any advice for someone where you were once were with a partner who would never leave Australia vs family and the pull for home in the UK.

  3. 1 hour ago, Island said:

    I think about ten days. TOR took us longer because kept asking for more information.

    @IslandHow far in advance of your flight did you apply? I'm getting ready to make the move back and trying to decide when to apply/book flights, etc.

    To be safe I'm wondering whether I need to give myself the full 3 months incase it takes a while to process. 10 days is fantastic!

  4. @Marisawright Very useful information, thank you. I have a feeling I have a UK credit card somewhere. I'll have a look and if not, see if I can get a replacement sent out as I'm pretty sure I never cancelled it. 

    Renting wise, I'll look for either a houseshare to get me started/stay with friends, and then go from there (I had a look online today and there are some good options of places to stay) . I now see how relevant your comments were yesterday about saving my money and going home vs an expensive holiday and the outcome would be the same!

    I'm also looking at the application process for travel exceptions and getting my head around what needs to happen and by when. You've been really helpful!!



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  5. 55 minutes ago, Quoll said:

    Good luck, it’ll all fall into place and I live by the mantra that “there’s nothing a passport and credit card won’t solve” 

    That is a fantastic mantra!  🙂  This is very helpful information, thank you. I think my biggest issue will be proving a new address as I'll likely live with family for the first few weeks while I find my feet. I do still have post delivered (including banking information) to my dad' place with my name and details so this may be enough.

    I've been searching online at the jobs market and there is actually some decent opportunities about to get me started and earning.

    I'm beginning to realise I can really do this! 

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  6. Hi Everyone,

    After some very wise advice from members in this community, I am finally summoning up the courage to move back to the UK after 13 years away.

    It's something I have been thinking about for about 5 years, but kept putting off (kept putting it into the too hard basket!). But as I approach my 40's (I am 39) I'm tired of never feeling settled in Australia, and the pull back home is hard to ignore any longer. I miss family, the English countryside and so much more. There is only one way to know if I'll feel settled back in England, and that is to give it ago! eek!

    I left when I was 26, and still have a UK bank account and would have paid into my government pension up to this age. I haven't paid tax in the UK for 13 years and don't believe I would qualify for NHS, etc. As far as the UK sees me, I am a resident, but not a tax paying resident which I understand is different.

    I'm starting from a knowledge base of zero as to what I need to prepare, organise and get ready for a move back.

    FYI, I have an Australian and UK passport so this gives me some options further down the line.

    Does anyone have any advice on where to start? 

    Thank you! 






  7. 35 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    Well, if you were flying to the UK right now, it would be because of a life-and-death situation in your family, so I think they'd be willing to risk it.  As I'm sure you know, you're trapped in Australia currenlty, not allowed to leave the country without a special exemption.

    @Marisawright Yes I looked up the travel restrictions last night. However, instead of being disheartened I'm going to start doing what I can this side of the ocean and start looking into the logistics of moving back. There is likely a number of legal, tax and logistical things I need to understand and organise (something I've kept putting off!). So atleast I can feel like I can get the ball rolling 🙂 Hard to know what will happen next in Melbourne each day at the moment, so I think I just need to roll with it.


  8. @Quoll Thank you for your insights and comments. I very much appreciate it.

    I definitely hear what you are saying about parents being upset if I changed my life for them (They have always wanted me to live life on my terms). I asked myself this question last night, but part of the pull home is definitely driven by me wanting to spend time with them (whether they like or not lol). I'm also tired of this feeling of never feeling settled in Australia. I look at my Aussie friends with their families and 'home' and cannot help but feel a twang in my heart for mine. Will I feel 'home' back in the UK? I'm now at a point where there is only one way to find out! 

    The questions you ask about my current relationship are ones I ask myself too. If I'm honest, no, he's not the 'one' for me, and he's not a man (as great as he is) I would want to have a family with. He is German, but he sees himself here for good. He's not close to his family in Germany and moving back would never be an option. The longer version is there are issues... but I also think I hold myself back from settling down in Melbourne/Australia because deep down my roots are not here. Enough said really right? 

    You're right, I do need to put on my big girl panties and grab life with everything I've got! And if it doesnt work out, atleast I will have answered the question about moving home that has been in the background for the past 5 years. I think covid has really brought this to the forefront and highlighted to me how precious family is and my longing for home. 

    • Like 4
  9. 14 hours ago, Hayley Gee said:

    I’ll rise to this challenge and recommend everyone who has felt Homesick like this do the same - go home and work out from there where your heart needs to be. Then live contented...hopefully!

    Such great words, and ones I take onboard. You're right, with following our hearts. Sometimes we need to be somewhere to know if it's where we want to be (if that makes sense!). Best of luck and let us know how it all goes.

    • Like 1
  10. @Marisawright I think I needed to be pushed a bit, and see how I'm been putting off making a decision! 🙂 

    Yes, I think it's definitely changed things. At the moment Australia isn't on the quarantine list for the UK, but I cant imagine my family would want to take the risk and see me when I land given the current situation in Melbourne. Lots to keep an eye on in the UK and see how the restrictions change. Same for Melbourne too. 

    I have an online business, and so all of this gives me a goal to start ramping up, so by the time I can go back I'll have an income that supports me. 

    I'm sorry to hear about your parents. I've had some friends that made it back in time in spend time with their folks, and others who couldnt be there. 

    Thank you again, you've really helped me and also made me get realistic with making a plan. Scary. But I have an amazing family and friends and I know I'll have help when I take the leap back! Eek! 🙂 

  11. @Marisawright I don't think I've ever had someone call me out on this!

    My immediate response is so much fear holding me back when I look at in so black and white. Where would I live, what will I do for work to get me started, the paperwork, tax, etc.... all excuses and all solvable... But sticking my head in the sand and not dealing with them is just going to drag this out for years.....

    You're right on the mark with your comments. I can see how easy it is to not make the decision and keep doing the holiday back and suffering permanent home sickness! 

    Food for thought!!! I need to get to the root of my fears I think and start clearing the way 🙂 



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  12. @Marisawright Very true! I also feel it's an itch I've wanted to scratch for years, and I've kept putting off the decision... exactly as you outline in your reply. I'd rather know sooner than later if the UK feels like a place where I want to settle, and not regret time just trying to make a decision. 

    I know I'll only 'know' by going back and giving it a go. In the short term I'll plan a month holiday when I can leave Australia and go back with a mindset of 'this could be my home if I choose it to be". I think that's a good step to plan towards. 

    Thank you again. It sounds like you have seen this question many times!!

  13. @Marisawright That really is a powerful question!!! My immediate gut response is no. I hadn't expected to have such an immediate and strong response!

    Thank you for your insights and advice. This really speaks home to me, especially 'be brave'. I moved over when I was 26 knowing no-one and having never set a foot here... and I've had an amazing adventure in Australia. I have some incredible friends here, and it would be incredibly hard to leave. But, when it comes back to where I would want to grow old, it would be in England. I miss the countryside, I miss the English pubs and the quirks that only the English have. Australia is amazing, but I've been unable to feel settled, and it's really starting to impact my life here as I approach my 40's.

    Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it.

    • Like 1
  14. On 13/07/2020 at 19:36, Caru51 said:

    Hi guys, first time post for me. Not sure if I’m looking for advise, reassurance or maybe just suggestions. I’m a 51 year old single female with no children. I emigrated to Australia 27 years ago with my ex-husband who is Australian, & made the decision to stay when my marriage broke up. I’ve been happy here in Australia until maybe the last 3/4 years when I’ve increasingly started to miss my family in the UK. I do travel over every couple of years but it’s becoming more & more difficult to leave each time. Especially to leave Mam who’s about to turn 80. I’m so confused about what I want & where I want to live, though if it were as easy as to just pack a case & go, I think I would move back tomorrow. It absolutely terrifies me though thinking that if I do move back, I’ll be a 51 year old woman having to start from scratch again with basically nothing. I’m not rich by any means, but I’ve got a decent job in Oz, my own apartment (rented) etc. I feel so overwhelmed at how I’d go about selling everything I own to make the move, also overwhelmed about actually knowing if it’s the right thing for me or not. I’m a permanent resident in Oz, not a citizen, so I realise that if I do decide to move back to the UK, it will probably be a ‘for the rest of my life’ decision.

    As I said guys, I realise only I can make the decision, I’m just so confused about what’s the right one and maybe just venting to people who would understand.

    Thanks for reading & any comments would be welcomed.

    You echo what is deeply within my heart. I'm not sure if can offer much advice, but hopefully make you feel like you are not alone.

    I'm 39 and it's coming up to 13 years since I left the UK. I currently live outside of Melbourne, but lived in Sydney for 4 years too. I've had a few 'wobbles' over the last 4 years  about moving back, but always talked myself out of it. Setting up and 'starting' again felt like such a huge hurdle, and on paper Australia has so much to offer. So I stayed. I'm now in a relationship and on paper you could say I was settled... but I feel anything but. As my parents get older, the tug home gets stronger. Is it England? Is it my family? I honestly do not know. But the call to find out grows and grows....

    Over the years it's been excruciating to say goodbye at the airport, almost to the point where I could have turned around and not got on the plane! My parents are both in their early 70s and I have an older sister (married with a 3 years old niece). As the years go on, I keep asking myself what has to happen for me to finally decided to go back? 

    It's such a hard decision to make. But I feel at some stage I will need to just move back and find out.... or I'll always wonder. I also know I could never forgive myself for not spending time with my parents in person before it is too late (as morbid as that sounds).

    I have both passports, but I completely feel for you, not being able to go and come back if it doesnt work out.

    Friends tell me I should spend a chunk of time ( 6 months) back to see what I think before moving, but this comes with it's own challenges. For now, I am planning a holiday for a 1 month as soon as I can to explore how I feel about it.

    Sometimes I wish someone would just tell me what to do! haha! It is so incredibly confusing. 

    I'm not sure what the 'answer' is, but I hope you reach a decision that feels right. Thanks for sharing your story, it's comforting in a strange way to know I'm not the only one who struggles to make the decision, and constantly sits on the fence, never really settling. I'm tired of not putting down roots, and I just know deep down there is only one way to find out! 




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