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Posts posted by darch

  1. I realise bringing a bbq TO Australia might be the most extreme example of shipping coals to Newcastle of all time, but I've a much loved Big Green Egg bbq that I would be reluctant to leave behind when we move from Dublin- Australia later this year. I am a bit nervous about it making it through customs/agri inspection though. Has anyone managed to get anything similar in successfully? I suppose the answer is just to scrub it as clean as can get it and keep fingers crossed,  but any tips would be very welcome.

  2. We'll be doing the reverse journey later this year. When we arrived in Dublin a few years back found the high street banks fairly traditional, and others have said, they all wanted sight of various proofs of address - utility bills, tenancy agreement etc before they'd open us an account. That being said AIB have been very good since we did manage to actually open an account with them. He may have better luck with the likes of Monzo, Starling or Revolut which can all be done online. As someone who moves internationally a fair bit, I've found Monzo to be very useful, including as Wise is integrated in their app. 

  3. 47 minutes ago, Ausimi said:

     im assuming that if quantas cancel the flight they will re book you for the next available one... am i being too optimistic? 

    not sure - would be really interested if there's anyone on here who has experienced/knows! my (limited!) understanding is that it's mainly the quarantine numbers that are the problem at the moment, with demand outstripping supply several times over. so getting tickets is crazy difficult in the first place and even then if you do manage to book, if you later get bumped because whichever state you're flying to can't take you, there's no free seats on later flights to put you on. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Ausimi said:

    We have pretty similar situation and time lines. My visa issorted, it took 18 months, I have to activate my visa by November 2021 and we are also keen for our son to start school January 2022.

     I’m just not sure if we should buy flights for October now or wait? 

    yeah its the million dollar question isn't it - we're not sure what to do either. I've got to activate by Jan '22, but would prefer not to leave it 'till the very last minute. Our current plan - to the extent we have one - is to give it another couple of months to see what the deal with cap numbers, flights, and vaccinations is. Hopefully things will have improved enough that we can be reasonably certain that if we've booked a flight, we'll be able to travel, but also still have a bit of a buffer if need it.  the current situation just seems unsustainable -  but some of the stories of people being stuck for months on end make pretty worrying reading. FWIW if you've not seen it, home affairs do have a section their website about possibly still being able to travel if you're not able to make your first entry by date. personally would prefer not to have to rely on it, but a bit of a comfort to know its there in emergency

  5. 53 minutes ago, Jet88 said:

    Hey nice to see it only took 9 months (not 2 years) can I just ask what made u decide go go for offshore one rather than  just move to oz then apply when there? Thanks 

    sure thing - it was pretty straightforward for us. Work commitments mean we won't be making the move much before second half of this year anyway- our only real deadline was that we wanted to be in Australia in time for our eldest to start school in Jan 2022 - he'll be 4 by then. So when saw the timelines getting up past 18 months, decided to get the application in just in case it did take forever. Sounds like we're in similar boats - my wife is Aussie, and our two boys are dual citizens, so it was really just me holding us up! Good luck if you go ahead with an application!

  6. hi @Jet88 I just went through this last year - applied for 309 & 100 in April 2020, and they were granted first week of Jan. Lots of the London applications seem to currently being handled out of other Embassies. If you've not seen it there's a thread in the family visa chat about 309/100 timelines from London which also has a ton of useful advice about the process

  7. 4 hours ago, ainzlondon79 said:

    Wow! Congratulations @darch you must be so pleased. It's great to hear the Berlin office is again processing applications after being closed over christmas.

    Can I ask exactly when you submitted your RFI?

    sure thing. I got the RFI on 30 November but work/life/christmas chaos meant I couldn't upload all the info until either 29 or 30 Dec. Then the grant came through a couple of (working) days later on 5 Jan 

  8. Hi all, like a few others on here, I've just received my 100 visa - hang in there if you are waiting to hear! Despite applying to London, mine was handled out of Berlin and after hearing nothing since application for 309/100 in April, got an RFI to get health checks, and for my wife (& sponsor) to redo one of the forms, which had apparently been changed since we submitted. I had originally held off on getting the health checks as had been advised they were only valid for a year, and with the estimated timelines for the visa up at 18 + months, didn't want to have to do them twice! Once we those in last week, I got the grant notifications just a day or two later, for both 309 and then immediately 100 

    A couple of people on here were really kind with advice back in the spring as I worked through the various forms - I'd be more than happy to share  how we approached things if anyone would find it helpful.


    Can't wait to get on with the rest of the planning now!! Good luck if you're still waiting on a decision

    • Congratulations 3
  9. 3 hours ago, Neill said:


    Yes, your wife will need to provide an Australian police check and others for any country she has lived in for more than 12 months.

    My wife had to provide both Australian & UK police checks as she'd been in England for 3 years.

    As for the medical, I'm lead to believe its only valid for 12 months. I submitted mine shortly after I applied and thankfully my 309/100 was granted within 10 months of submission.

    Good luck with the application.

    thanks @Neill that's really helpful - appreciate you replying. I've heard/seen that too about the medical clearance only lasting a year - bit of a pain when the website's estimating 13-17 months!! will just keep everything crossed I guess. 


    Hope the move went well if you've made it already.

  10. Hi there, thanks all for sharing all your experiences - I applied for my 309/100 in April (from Dublin, which I think is covered by AHC London).  It's heartening to read some applications are progressing, though looks likely we've still some time to wait!

    I've a couple of questions I thought I might be able to crowdsource some clarity on as I've read conflicting advice elsewhere online. Firstly do we need police certificates for my wife (sponsor) too? Secondly, I've seen on this thread lots of people tend to get their medical clearance pretty early on, but the immi guidance seems to say wait until 1-2 months before end of estimated processing time window. Any views on the best approach?

    I'm a Brit, my wife's Australian and we've two dual citizen boys.



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