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Everything posted by Andy2019

  1. Hello everyone, can you please advise what is discussed during the AOS interview (face to face or telephone). Does it focus on your current employment or your obligations as a sponsor? Thanks
  2. Hello all, My parents received their 143 application acknowledgement letter during Feb 2016. They are currently in Australia on a three year tourist visa (subclass 600), which includes the 12 months in 18 months stay condition. However, this visa expires during early Oct 19. Based on your experiences, how likely is it that another 600 visa will be granted if they leave the country for a few months and apply? If the application is rejected could it also impact the 143 application? Thanks, Andy
  3. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any updates online. I met with an agent/solicitor a few weeks ago and they advised the government would not provide any indication for another 3 months.
  4. Hello all, Has there been any updates on the proposed visa processing time? Is it likely to exceed 6 months? Thanks, Andy
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