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Everything posted by sachin1983

  1. Hi @pravincv May I request you to read my post again (please), I have not mentioned anything about TRT. So please do not say anything regarding the Legislation and Fraudulance, Grey area for my post. I did not comment on TRT at all in that post.
  2. @Hex is totally right and also @Elise I would recommend you to please have a look at your submission documents, as you are a direct stream you are obliged to work for your employer for 2 years (correct me if I am wrong).
  3. Hi Everyone, I just received my Rhodium, Platinum, Golden email. received the nomination and VISA approval today with a difference of 2/ 3 hrs. No additional documents asked. Hope everyone get their's soon.
  4. Hi VS01, hows that possible you applied in Sep2018 so yours should expire in Oct2019- 1 year rule.
  5. Hi Regarding the email my wild guess (hope I am 100% wrong, as my MA also received the same), the IMMI team might have just glanced through all the files and could have came across finding that people have not undergone medical for long time or do not have Police check so to reduce the review process time they might have sent this email. I so think I am wrong and I get a wonder CO to approve my case... Keeping positive with all my fingers crossed.
  6. Hi, Since morning everyone is saying about the email, is this the new process by Immi or was it followed previously as well.
  7. Hi Mik1983, not me but one of my friend applied in May2017 and even he is waiting for the response, but he has stopped taking any tension. he is enjoying his life to the fullest.
  8. Hi sachin12345, for that detail you need to go in the VISA timeline> ENS 186 timeline. you will get clear idea about it instead of giving you one or two examples.
  9. Hi Everyone, I know we discussed about this yesterday but the headline and the content is bit confusing for the migration. https://www.9news.com.au/2019/03/20/20/42/news-federal-politics-prime-minister-hit-pause-on-australia-annual-migration-intake will the applications be on hold/ not reviewed or its just that the Cap is 160000.
  10. Hi Kashyap, You can apply for a new passport as it is about 6 months to expire- you can refer VFS global website. The six month expiry clause if for application. which you have already done. As soon as you get new passport please submit the new passport details in the application.
  11. One of my friend waiting since Jul2017 but just received an update from him that he was informed to undergo blood test from his agent/ CO.
  12. Hi Miki88, application same day as mine, so happy for you. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  13. Hi Guys, Just met a friend today and received more good news for Feb2018 submission. I was only able to get minimum details: Submission by his wife: T1984. VISA submission in Feb2018- (sorry he did not recollect exact date of submission) Stream: Lifescientist nec. His MA informed him that CO has been assigned on 26Feb2019.
  14. Hi Everyone, very much confused with this 2/3 years: Please find below screen shot and link (for TRT) so you need to have total 3 years experience but 2 years on 457 (if VISA granted before april 2017). https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/employer-nomination-scheme-186/temporary-residence-transition-stream for DE it is https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/employer-nomination-scheme-186/direct-entry-stream#Eligibility
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